Digitone II Speculation

With the Digitakt II fresh on the market, I’d like to offer what moves I’d like to see made on a Digitone II.

  • VA engine in addition to the FM engine

  • Increase FM engine to 6 or 8 Operators, with more Algorithms

  • Increase to 8 Tracks

  • Polyphony increase to 16 Voices

  • White OLED screen to match ST & DT II

I think that’s a $999 box a lot of us would come out sprinting for.

Do you think it’s doable?

What would you like to see on a potential Digitone II?



2823 replies and counting. Lets see the same ideas repeated here.



These would be cool features, but I wouldn’t spend that money for it.
I see the DN as a box to pair with other boxes. I love the sound of it but personally don’t want to use it standalone and therefore it’s fine as it is.
(2 years later buys Digtone 2) :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m really on the fence about picking up a Digitone right now. Will there even be a DNII? Will it be Tonverk? Will it be a Superbooth surprise? Will it be next year? Anyone have a Magic 8 Ball handy?


Dude, if they brought over the “any available track can be audio or midi” that would go hand in hand with its voice stealing nature.

“Oh no! I’ve ran out of voices…MIDI TIME!”

also, having an A4 style keyboard on it would make a faster workflow for people that don’t trust their playing and would prefer plugging notes in.

Hopefully they’ll be able to find a mkre direct way of sound designing on the synth, because the unified manner of FM synthesis with its parameters made it pretty frustrating to explore while across 4 pages.

And, hmmmmm, screw it- let’s go unreasonable with it: sampling engine :grinning:


Just make those dumb colored track buttons black or white and I’d upgrade :slight_smile:


or ditch the track buttons altogether and make the keys bigger as the other digis


If it follows a similar path to the Takt’s development we’ll get a pretty hefty 1.5 firmware update first as a ‘preview’ for the second iteration.


Yes - digitone in same form factor as digitakt/syntakt please!


Instead of VA I’d like to see wavetables or an additive ‘machine’.


I’d be up with what’s already been mentioned: track lay-out like on ST and DN, 8 tracks, 16 voices, virtual analog synth and maybe a simple two operator machine like in ST with a special twist.

That would be enough for me to buy it. But there could be some more stuff without cramming it:

  • 128 steps: DN needs this more than the drum machines imo. Other new DT stuff like Euclidean sequencer and de-coupled trig conditions.
  • MIDI arp
  • some new flavor of distortion/lofi sound. Gen Loss goes really well with DN, something like its saturation and tape degradation would be great on a new DN FX page.
  • some form of performance mode. Having a page with level controls for all the macros already there (mod wheel etc.) would already be enough. Kits from DT and some new keyboard modes woul also be welcome.
  • 3rd LFO (not that important to me, but nice to have)

I’d like it if they keep the track button colors in some way, although that wouldn’t make sense for track buttons if they’re laid out like on ST/DN.


This is enough to sell me on it.
Throw in some features people have been repeatedly requesting for years, and it’s a no-brainer.

(I own 2 Digitones to have the extra tracks/voices, and my dream is for them to be consolidated into one box :crossed_fingers:)


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Increase in no. of steps is immensely helpful for a tone-based device. With more voices, we can have [Split] mode, where some voices go to bass and some to melody like a keyboard. Multi-timbral anyone? ST can keep it’s analogue appeal, DN should be a synthesis machine for all sorts of varied tones + FM + maybe some new stuff

:cowboy_hat_face: :cowboy_hat_face:


Adding a VA synth to the Digitone will mean it will have to be a bigger box so very unlikely. Thres simply not enough space inside to add all the guffins needed.

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I agree. And I’m 100% convinced that it would be the case, no doubt about it : they (DN and DT) share the same case more or less, and the 8 leds will stay as a new paradigm.


Why? UI wise, you can just use a machines concept like on ST or DT. And I don’t think you’d need more space for the internals since it’s a digital synth and ST already manages to pack in a whole analog synth on top.

@Starscream: DN already is multitimbral and has a sophisticated layer function. Of course, split would be nice, although I personally wouldn’t use it. Not sure if you can’t already setup a split via layering and voice allocation of low/high notes.


For an ideal little FM box the Digitone is already quitte there. I rather see a nice little update that fixes the way (un-) muting between the 8 tracks work, the PB/AT/MOD can be recorded and passed thru the midi out and thru. I prefer a little update rather then a whole new device.


I’m welcoming this thread because I have no interest in DN2, Tonverk etc speculations (they’re all over the forum anyway). I think it’s a good idea to keep the existing feature request thread focused on realistic (or unrealistic) requests for the DN1.

So, goodbye and have fun [mute button engaged] :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


More voices, multimode filter, etc.