Digitone feature requests!

An extended chord mode!
Similar to model:cycles or syntakt, with more chord types and inversion…


+1 for Retrigger


+1 for that plus 1

I wish they’d implement retriggers like they used to on OT /MD - rtrig & rtim.
it was a great creative tool - could lfo em / live record tweaks. the newer retrig pop-up menu thing sorta sucks.

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I think the supposed argument for no retrig (“it’s not a drum machine”) holds less water, given OscillatorSink and Ivar making such great examples.

Are there any workarounds for retriggering apart from using the arp, or using a ramp LFO to amp?

This applies to all digis - 16 knobs (2pages) of midi track contol,

while it is nice that you can Plock 8 paramameters when controling an external synth i always need more because i assign ADSR, filter, 2nd filter, resonance and volume and then i am left with no more parameters to control.
On the digis we have two midi knob-control pages that are the same page, one on the SYN1 and one on the SYN2. It would be nice if the SYN2 was another 8 knobs with which to play with (ocs, lfo, effects etc). There could be a second page to assign midi values for SYN2 page by double pressing on the FLT page.

Is it just me that finds this quite an upgrade for controlling external gear?

Also PB/MW/AT through is a must.

Would not mind a comb filter either!

I’d rather have a p-lockable arp than a retrig I reckon.


And i’d rather have parameter slides than a p-lockable arp or retrig. :slight_smile:


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I would like to be able to copy + paste the scale settings from track to track


No that’s the current work around. I’m saying I wish they’d make the arp on/off state and its page parameters step lockable, then you could use it as a retrig and essentially an extra sequence layer for each track as well. It would be incredibly powerful.

Edit; Probably be too ram heavy or something though, running lots of arps can glitch things as is. Saying that I’ve not tried to break it since the update.


Compressor please! Along with side chain obviously.

Also - a user defined page, where all 8 pots are configurable and assignable. Perfect for performance. E.g. 1-4 volume, 5-8 freq. etc

Oh and lastly - MIDI arp!!!


Perhaps a stupid question but can the modulation be seen on the Digitone screen itself ? I’m sure I saw a video where the FDBK and MIX was moving like they were affected by a LFO.

if i’m not mistaken that’s when you use either external lfo or with midi loopback modulation, maybe i’m wrong and it is possible to see the internal lfo changes as well

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Right. I just try it and it works I can see it. Now I have to understand why the LFO on the midi doesn’t affect the CC value which is modulate (in this case the feedback modulation). When I move the CC value manually everything works. Reason I hate using those midi and CC settings :smiley:

yeah not sure why it’s inconsistent, I remember trying it and sometimes it worked sometimes it didn’t. I think Overbridge shows modulation better and more consistent, I don’t use it but I remember trying it was working better then midi modulation.

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Out of all the boxes the DN really needs more mod sources. More LFOs or just the ability to tie the Filter or amp envelope to mod other destinations.


Yesss, lfo + inversion would be magnificent.


I find trigless locks are a good source of stepped modulation, but imagine if the DN had slide trigs - combining slides and trigless locks would open up a new world.

