Digitone (DN+DT) only music

Cool stuff :sunglasses:
How do you use song mode ? You’re chaining micro patterns (2 step or 4 step patterns) ?

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Yeah, that’s basically it, it’s also fun to play with the mutes and the tempo.

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Yes, I use an Axoloti as master clock for my two DNs. It allows me to do tempo per step and LFOs on tempo :wink:

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I’ve had a Digitone for about 2 or 3 years now and I absolutely love it but rarely actually use it. Tonight I was intending to do some Octatrack stuff but my CF card is b0rked so I decided to break out the DN instead for a little session. Recorded straight into overbridge in one go, video churned about in Premiere.


Nice textures !
It’s only Digitone ?

A new 100% Digitone jam. A groovy dub trip. Enjoy :slight_smile:


Here my last jam. I think this is maybe the first song that I spent more time enjoying it as a listener than while producing it. Am I becoming better producer? being more productive? or it’s just that I didn’t care so much about it being perfect and accept it with the flaws easily? Maybe a little bit of everything :slight_smile: (at least that is what I hope)


I played a Digitone-only set yesterday on a sick sound system. Here are two new songs performed for the first time. 160bpm. Super stoked about playing on suck a kickass sound system!


you really manage to squeeze a lot out of one machine, I bet you make a mean cup of orange juice


Very good :+1:t2:

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Another Digitone only track, this time sequenced by the Oxi One. Most of the sounds are from @Floppydisk_Pirates and @substan packs, except for the bass which is a custom patch I made.


Very cool jam my friend!

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Thanks mate! I’ll be 90 and still be using your Digitone sounds, if I get that far! :grin:

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Good music, vibes and fun and you’ll make it to 90 but if not you can still use them in your next reincarnation :innocent:

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Just was searching for a specific Digitone sketch, and stumbled upon this lol … (just three tracks)


that sound on track 3 during the first part is gorgeous / dreamy as hell

love that hairy bass drum sound in the next part as well

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This was a great listen.

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Thanks a lot, I appreciate it! The Digitone is definitely my desert island synth. :slight_smile: