Digitone (DN+DT) only music

I love how easy it is to record onto the phone with just a USB cable. It feels very direct.

Little tune made with DN and JD-Xi.

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sonic pi sequencing DN, video with touchdesigner


I got a Digitone a few days ago, and made a chiptune track with it.
I hope you’ll like it!


Love the percussion and the vibratos and some of the melodies. Inspiring stuff! I’d encourage you to make more. (:

Did you do any post processing?

Thanks, I appreciate!
Yes, on the master track I have very basic EQ settings (cutting low end), a multiband compressor, just to slightly boost the drums and to enhance a bit of the high mids, and then a limiter to boost everything a little bit to meet Youtube requirements!
But I didn’t use Digitone as a soundcard to record multiple outputs as I couldn’t understand how to record internal effects via usb. But I’ll get into that, I could use 4 tracks instead of one global!
Thanks for your reply :wink:

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Electronica. Mostly Digitone. A couple of sounds from A4.


I dont really get into chiptune stuff, but I enjoyed that one. Very computer gamey.

Thank you very much! As a matter of fact I don’t really get into it either. I think I know what happened there! I got the Digitone and came from the Model:Cycles. I was absolutely overwhelmed by the sound possibilities, and didn’t know what direction to take with it. I was more drawn into synthesis than creating tracks or jam, and it annoyed me!
So I though about chiptune: it allowed me to focus on creating a limited number of patches, and then using them to put something together. It’s a great exercise I think, because you have to focus on melodies instead of hiding behind huge sounds, and get the most out of the sequencer. I enjoyed it a lot!
And thanks for your comment!

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I tried to make a minimal EDM beat on the DN and DT. Sounds pretty scratchy, like it needs some oil.


Made a new Pad patch for Digitone, very deep and ambient… If you put a lot of reverb on it :wink:


A Takt-Tone performance


Today’s lunch break. Got a cool analog-ish drone-ish bass line going


Little tune using just DN and E2S recorded direct from DN (no post processing).


Hope you enjoy. To be honest sometimes I feel hard to exit the chiptune zone with DN, not sure if it’s the real instrument to express my creativity (if there is any…)

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Another tune using just DN and E2S recorded direct from DN (no post processing).

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Hi !
Here’s my second Digitone track, tried to put a bit of the cold days, runny nose and warm soup in it (°ε° )
Hope you’ll like it!


4:20 minutes:)


Slow 80s sounding. Same pattern. Gets spicy around 1:40:


Wicked track mishpult :+1:t2: