Digitakt output only mono (PAN / PINGPONG Delay)


im quite new in this forum. Had read a lot before and now own a Digitakt. Bought it as a used one and now I must recognize that the output is only in mono. I know that Digitakt internally uses only mono samples but Pan-Settings as well as using Ping-Pong dealy does not work - it´s still in mono.

I tried different headphones and used high quality cable to connect L+R Outputs to an amp. I assume that there is a hardware failure. I have found a quite old thread in this forum (The output is in mono...Am I doing something wrong?) where it definetly was a hardare issue.

Is that a known problem on that devices? I tried to contact Elektron via support form but the form doesn´t work. Will try it again tomorrow.

Any ideas if it could be anything else that a hardware failure?
