Digitakt II Param lock limit memory?

Wondering if this was boosted higher? I’ve got the DT II on preorder, so can’t test yet. I haven’t run into the limit on DT I but with 128-setp length patterns and many more PLOCK options, if the limit is low, I can see myself running into it. I think it’s 128 per pattern for DT I?

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Up to 80 different parameters can be locked in a pattern.


Up to 72 different parameters can be locked in a pattern.


That doesn’t relate per se (in my understanding) to the Limit - the limit pertains to uniquely targeted parameters, not how often you target a single parameter (or whether there’s more room in a pattern)

TBH, i don’t hit the limits, so i don’t fret over this detail

Thank you, fixed - meant 128-step pattern length

sure, i read it as 128 step pattern, i thought you may have figured there was more scope to overdo locks because the pattern is longer, but it’s dictated by the total selection of individual parameters you target … so you can lock filter-freq 128 times and still only use up 1 lock slot, maybe that wasn’t your concern …

Ahh - that makes sense! So a lock is a parameter that is locked, but that parameter can be locked as many times as the steps you have (so goes up from 64 to 128)? So based on 80, I can have up to 80 different parameters that I lock.

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lots of detail in this topic (below) which is relevant - the post where i show trig page locks reveals that most of those are free - but yes, a 128 step sequence with a particular lock varied on all steps will count as one

the REAL foe in your equation is actually the increased Track count; if you lock Filt-Freq on 128steps of 1 track it’s One lock of your limit spent, but …

If you lock Filt-Freq on only one trig on 16 tracks of any length, that’s Sixteen locks spent already !


Hmm :thinking:

DTII 80/16tracks=5 per track
DT 72/8tracks=9 per track


I guess for most people most of the time it will be plenty, and of course there will likely be tracks where no or few locks are used, still I wonder if the number is subject to change in the future, I guess I could see some styles of music hitting the limit.

it’s per pattern though, not per track

…hmmmm…let me think…can i remember me, ever running out of plocking headroom on any elektron device…?..no, not that i could remember…but that’s just me…

I used to run a lot into p-lock limit before I understood how they work, actually on rytm it happened a lot more often because the fx track p-locks are part of the pattern and I’d fill up the 72 pretty quickly, but after I learned how it worked I hardly ever run into this again, 80 p-locks without fx track is a lot, no need to worry too much

Yes I know, I was just saying that 80 locks per pattern, assuming they were divided equally would be 5 per track :+1:

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Is it true that the OT has no limit on p-locks?

Unlikely. Everything has a limit

I ran into the lock limit a few times on the DT1 when making complex transitions.

On the DN I ran into it a lot because I was trying to do a lot of midi locks in addition to the normal synth locks.

I’m surprised more people don’t reach the limit, but maybe it only comes into play when you’re controlling midi devices too. Also I used a lot of sound locks on the DN to make the most out of it (kick, snare, HH on one track for example).

edit: if you care, this what filled up the DN’s lock memory. There was one midi channel sending info to a max patch for the visuals.

DT1 has 16 tracks too :wink: