Digitakt II Feature Requests

Edit slices start/end.

A very strange solution - slices only along the grid. Some kind of artificial limitation, clearly dictated by marketing.

  • The possibility to exlude Tracks from Master Overdrive (for even more neat sound design à la Syntakt)
  • Possibility to route Track Overdrive after the first Filter (just as it is possible with SRR. This would greatly expand the sound possibilities, even make it possible to mimic certain overdrive pedals.)
  • Round Robin (as integers counting LFO with selectable Range, for example)
  • Delay FX controllable by one or two LFOs (to create effects à la MI clouds as I recently did on the Syntakt)
  • Expanded Songmode Possibilities à la Monomachnine (Jump, Loop - I recently reached the limit of 99 Rows with a 3 Minute song on the Syntakt)

normalization is just “turning things up” though, you can just turn it back down surely?

How do you use Direct Jump on AR/A4?

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  • Midi retrigs
  • Midi arps
  • better project management

It’s the same 3 things I’ve wanted from my DT1 (which is looking very nervous these days) for years. I’m sure I’ll eventually get this as I’ve really grown to love the DT.


Polyphony on a device like the Digitakt shouldn’t require workarounds and shouldnt eat into other tracks just to play more than 1 note, samplers in the 90’s like the Yamaha A3000 were multitimbral and had 64 voices of polyphony and here we are in 2024 with the Digitakt II promoting 16 monophonic tracks and folks feature request is asking to give up 4 tracks just to play a chord :rofl:

I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m interested in the Digitakt myself, but id like to see something abit more ambitious than sacrificing tracks just to play a chord, I already have to deal with that on the Polyend Play+ and that’s only 8 audio tracks and doesn’t have the ability to record.

What I’d like to see on the Digitakt II is tracks 13-16 being fully polyphonic with up to 4 notes of Polyphony on each track!


Did anyone mention SRC zoom yet? :wink:
Make presets from Grid slices so we can manually adjust the start/end and use as Preset Pool trigs.


Put me down for the ability to chain tracks for polyphony.

Also Sample edit from memory.

Midi voice allocation - so default is 4 per track but you could set up a mono track for 1 voice and then allocate the extra 3 midi notes/voices to another track so we can play our 6 voice polys at least w/o using two tracks - like the DN voice allocation, really.

Conventional wisdom nowadays is companies ship beta products with partial functionality that sometimes eventually comes but Elektron has shipped a very spec-rich device on launch, I have to assume some of the common requests, like my first two, are on the roadmap. I mean it could be very buggy but there are a lot of features.


Slicing! + optional autoslicing


Slicing is really the only thing holding me from getting it. Parameter slides would be great too


The mixer has 6 pages, if I have no audio connected maybe it would not have the 2 external mixer pages or the ability to exclude them in the personalize menu?

Pushing this a bit further it would be nice to organize the pages to scroll in the order you wish, or even to move the icons between pages (I’d rather have the fill condition on page 1 then probability, for example).

Machine Idea: Vector Synth.
Load 4 single cycle waveforms and be able to fade between them.
8 encoders: blend a/b, blendc/d, a pitch, b pitch, c pitch, d pitch, load, …


normalization takes a mountain range and flattens it. this is an extreme analogy, but it changes the dynamics of the source.

An integration for Loopcloud and the Digitakt II would be great. I loved the seemless sample & file transfer between Loopcloud and Digitakt I. I can only believe it’s logical for them to implement this feature for the Digitakt II as well.


i think you have that wrong. That’s compression.
Normalisation just increases peak gain to the level set (Or now possibly the perceived loudness level set) in either case it does nothing to dynamics, it’s a simple gain boost/cut:


(pretty sure Digitakt is only peak normalising samples)


Or by click and turning the NOTE knob while p-locking the parameter.


I guess my ears are the problem.

It just increases the gain until the single loudest sample is at full code.


Will put it here as well since it’s clear now:

  • Ability to choose mono/stereo sampling across the board.
  • Mono/stereo sample conversion capabilities on board (including stereo merge/split).