Digitakt II Feature Requests

So agree, but especially also allow same note polyphony, so that your drum sounds on same track can ring out over each other. Think cymbals or other instruments where the energy from previous hits don’t dissipate when re-energized (struck).
Combine this with a round robin slice select functionality for the GRID machine, and it would be golden in my eyes.

  • Slicing!

  • Option to turn sampling normalize off.

  • Better transfer speed for samples.

Aka what @sezare56 said plus one.


Would like to see the option to sacrifice/hide audio tracks and hard assign macro trigs on the performance grid page. E.g. to be able to change the function of tracks 13 14 15 16 to instantly available retrigs like exist on Syntakt, instead of having to enter and navigate a menu dropdown to select the retrig mode.

In live play contexts, 4 always available & customizable levels of retrig (Syntakt) beat 16 static levels of retrig (Digitakt II) for me. Especially since I will know what level the customizable ones are at seeing as how they are configured by the user.


Crossfade or pingpong loop
Zoom on src


Stereo file options:

  • split stereo file in two mono samples & consolidate two mono samples into one stereo File
  • Mid-Side Encoder / Decoder

Yes the DT2 has mute group

Recording options:

  • Trigger recording when playback starts (already implemented)
  • Looper

seems possible:

13.1.6 R.STRT

Record Start lets you set if the recorder will start sampling when you press [PLAY] or when the level of the audio source exceeds the threshold level set by THRES and with ARM set to ON


That’s really good. Thanks for pointing that out. There seems to be lots of general small new features.


Melodic scale filter like in A4 and OT.

t feels so minor task to implement and so much improvement for tweaking melodies without having to memorize all notes in scale.

It could be optional by simply applying the filter only when using shift while changing the note with the knob.


Some are valid since a long time for DT1. Never too late ! Never too early!


Yeah, I always wanted normalize to be optional on the DT. In fact, I would like a lot of things to be optional, like slices at zero-crossings, for example.

I have no idea what the code looks like though. It might be easier said than done to make these things optional. No harm in expressing interest in it though!


Ha. Love that this is a thing already. Dreams:

Improve its use as a polysynth:

  • Internal midi polyphony / routing across tracks so I don’t have to use my midihub for this and allows it to be used as one of the greatest synths out there with simple switch on and play presets
  • MPE or poly aftertouch support on the midi sequencer so you could make something like the OB6 multitimbral and sequence some beautiful things
  • I would say multisampling and auto multisampling like on the MPC but not sure how this would fit in the workflow

The one everyone seems to want:

  • Live looping

And the weirdest one that I feel could totally transform the sequencer:

  • BPM offset lfos per track to speed up and slow down a track in the sequencer and then reset on the next pattern loop (or not?) for some amazing rubato stuff

Sure? It seems possible to mute/unmute several tracks at the same time holding Func, that doesn’t make it a group…


Through track with slicing. (Live)

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Which would be called…GRID ? :content:
It is already possible, not perfect modulation, auto-zero-crossing snap doesn’t help. I had intesting results on DT1, a dedicated machine would be great.


This is really the only big thing missing now, the mkII addressed pretty much all my wishes for the Digitakt.



Currently my only gripe with the DT2.
They’ve updated countless features, pages, etc. - not implementing the zoom, when it’s available on the rec page: bummer :confused:


That so many people are asking for internal polyphony and that it actually works already with an external midi processor gives me high hopes that we’ll get it.

I wonder if anyone has any thoughts on how it could be implemented in the midi track options? A setting on a midi track that has channel split start channel, channel split end channel?

Now we have many more audio trakcs you could do something like:

  • 1 MIDI track listening on channel 1 splitting to audio tracks 1-6 polyphonically
  • 1 MIDI track lisetening on channel 2 - splitting to audio tracks 7-12 polyphonically
  • A keyboard split set up on a midi keyboard (or two midi keyboards) to handle both.

With the new keyboard modulation options for pitch bend aftertouch and velocity this could be a ridiculously powerful synth.

Other option is to allow you to link audio tracks together so their settings are shared. Something like holding 1 trig down and then select which other track trigs would be grouped under it and all the settings are shared so if you tweak one it tweaks the rest. Which links in with the new selective control all thing as well.

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One thing I‘d love is the option to monitor which notes are being played and/or selected. My favorite sequencer is the Analog Keys where LEDs above keys that are sequenced/selected light up. It would be great if you could select a „Midi-Out Auto-channel“ which transmits notes on the currently selected track (either when the sequence is running or when steps/trigs are held). By using an external midi keyboard with LEDs above the keys (e.g. Novation SL mkiii) that functionality could be reproduced.

Probably won’t happen as it’s a niche use case but one can dream…