Digitakt II 1.01A : Bug reports

Each Digitakt II was shipped with firmware 1.00…

It is strongly recommended that you update the firmware to last release 1.01A as soon as possible.

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You encountered something wrong in this OS and want to check if others can replicate it ?
Here is the place.

Doesn’t replace a support ticket, of course, but you might want to check if it’s not a feature before declaring a bug :wink:

It is important you report all bugs via the Support Tickets section on elektron.se if they have not already been confirmed below.

Please, if you have identified a reproductible bug, describe the step for one to reproduce it!


Midiclock is extremely unstable when din and usb are both connected.
DTII in sync mode.
This wasn’t the case with the OGDT


When both FILL and a second trig condition (eg 2:6) are activated on a step,
FILL behavior is not consistent. Not all FILL trigs play when the page button is pressed down.

If you have both a trig condition e.g. 2:6 and FILL, it should play every 6 steps starting from the second pass if you hold FILL while you expect it to play. I would advise to test this with lower values though ^^

It should play when PROB && COND && FILL are true (“&&” being the Boolean operator AND)

I just tested it and it works as intended.


If you loop certain pages in a 8-page loop,

  1. the looping procedure is not quantized, which makes it practically unusable for live use
  2. I wish exiting the loop would make the sequencer go to the beginning of the sequence. As it is now, I don’t know what it’s doing.
  3. after exiting the loop, the sequence counter is wild - it might go for 6 bars before resetting.

There might be some logic, but I don’t understand it and I’m not sure I like it. >:-/


No you’re right, I’ve just tested it on a simple pattern and it’s broken.


Now that they’re going to be in there with pattern logic, they might as well fix the pattern change bug with varying scale speeds that’s been a thing at least since the A4 launch :slight_smile:

(edit: that would be December 2012, my kids are half the age of the pattern bug)


Can you describe this more precisely please, with all the step necessary for one to reproduce it?

sure @LyingDalai :

I’m sending program changes from an Octatrack to the Analog Four.

When I set the A4 in the advanced pattern mode, the A4 starts changing patterns late. Changing the pattern change value in the A4’s scale settings just changes how late it is, not fixing the problem.

(I’m being a bit salty and unfair about it, because I know that Elektron Support knows about the bug, I last emailed them 2 years ago about this one. But hey, at least before being salty on the forum, I waited for some 12 years!)


I understand your saltiness, but I meant: how do I reproduce this with the D2?

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If you press func+page, set to per track with func+yes, and then start messing with sequencer speeds, the pattern change and reset values don’t work as intended. Typically, upon receiving a program change, the machine in question (here, the DTII) changes patterns 16 steps late.

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Oh. I have to test this with another device, but yes it’s annoying.
I remember having seen this surfacing, but I don’t use Program Changes so much myself.


I haven’t received mine yet, and that kind of bugs me.


Reporting here so people are aware:
Page looping resets the track playback. (Looping page 5-8 will play 1-4 in the background instead of 1-8 in the background which was intended.)


thank you!

Anyone experienced the unstable midi sync issue?

Elvis isn’t appearing

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I started mine first time: its loading the big fat demo project, it takes quite a while.

While the loading process, I went to the project menu, and tried to init a new empty project, and load it, to skip the demoprojects. I guess it does not want to be touched while loading.

It did some strange things, and showed me this:

Then I turned the unit off.
After a restart I waited till the demo loading finished, and after that process I init an empty project. looking good so far.

comb filter is nice. has formant quality and is quite thick!
my inputs don’t noise. fine, lets hope for the best.

Try to update firmware next.

edit: firmware updated, func tests all okay.

adios :smiley:

edit: ah. geil.

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Previewing samples both from the sample load interface and after recording a sample, do not transmit audio over USB


I have an issue with MIDI LFO :confused:

Destinations are never restored properly after a temporary save / reload, loading a project or rebooting the unit.

They can even be set to invalid destinations (like LFO 1 depth modulated by LFO 1) depending on the value during the save.

I can reproduce it on OS 1.01 straight after an empty reset, by simply creating a midi track, setting a destination and saving / reloading to temporary.