Digitakt II 1.01A : Bug reports

submit your report as a support ticket at Elektron.se to get it evaluated/addressed soonest … re-describe the minimum steps in detail to replicate from a new project etc and illustrate the various issues separately


I opened a support ticket describing the issue (#97449).


Small problem in the order of the param in the mod destination list.


Update: support was able to reproduce the issue and it should be fixed in the next firmware :partying_face:


When importing DT1 projects (with global FX/Mixer enabled, might be related), the external mixer view ends up in a weird state.

Labels are inconsistent (and all with a white background :confused:) and dual mode switch is stuck to disabled (although audio is affected if I turn the associated knob).

Well, after spending hours to transfer samples and project from DT to DT2 it ended up with this behavior: It cracks one the right channel when loading projects. Very disappointing!

Global settings are not supported in DT2 yet, but looks like your DT2 is still showing the DT1 project’s Global param states. Report to support so they can tag’n’bag it!

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Take a look at this:


Thanks, but to late. I’ve already sent it back.

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You sent it back within 15 mins of posting here?! You don’t mess about! :slight_smile:

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I spend 1.000 € for this so I expect a working product. It didn’t. And why should I do beta testing for them?


there is no reason why one should be beta testing gear for companies. I totally agree with that.

Still my thought process was after having the issue: before sending back I contact elektron. than it took <1day and I went from a „not working product“ to a perfectly fixed one without sending it anywhere and waiting potentially weeks before a new batch.

But I get your thoughprocess: if I would have spend hourss putting samples on it with this painly slow transfer rate (I did like 2GB in almost an hour) and than beeing disappointed by crackling would have stomped me too.

But as a porfessional software dev I normally stay pretty calmn when things dont work ^^ just when things dont do ANYTHING whilst they should I panic xD


I opened a support ticket for that one too. I’m not even sure the Global FX/Mixer will be added back in DT2 as kit and perform kit kinda make it less useful.

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I opened a separate thread for it before finding this thread:

I can´t get the FX control via MIDI CC to work. Let´s say I set the fx control channel to 16 and try to control the master overdrive (CC 17) with my Faderfox EC4. Nothing - and nothing for other master fx parameters (ie compressor) either. Control works fine for individual track CCs though.

I set it up the same way with my DT1 and it worked.

I´m still not sure whether I made some stupid mistake though, it would be great if one of you guys could reproduce this one (or not).

The DUAL option doesn’t seem to affect the sources available in the sample recorder.

This from the manual, page 67:

If you set DUAL to ON, the first EXTERNAL MIXER page will control the audio from INPUT
L. You also get an additional EXTERNAL MIXER page (6) that control the audio from
INPUT R. The DUAL setting also affects the options you have for the SRC parameter in the
sample recorder. For more information, please see “13.1.1 SRC” on page 68.

This would suggest to me that if I enable DUAL mode for my inputs then I should be able to record a mono sample. (Yes, I know. This thing has now true stereo, but my guitar is still only mono)

What do you think? Is this a bug or they removed mono recording for some reason?


With OS 1.01 and Transfer 1.8.6 the transfer folder on the device seems to fill up and transfers fail. Renaming the folder with a suffix, for example, transfer-20240430-1 forces the device to create a new folder and transfers continue.

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This morning I had the loud white noise on the right side. After rebooting two times I got a bit of static on the right side and after that everything was fine.

And I also noticed that my tracks are still audible when volume knob is completely ccw. Hopefully that will be fixed too.

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I tried to rename a sample that I recorded after I saved and I just got an ERROR popup.

The sample is not used anywhere and is not write protected. Renaming it with the Transfer app seems to work.

Could you with a Digitakt II test if you also get an error?

Steps to reproduce:

  2. Select +DRIVE
  3. Select recorded
  4. Press the right arrow key on a sample and pick RENAME
  5. Change the name and press YES

After step 5 I get an ERROR popup in the middle of the screen.


just to confirm, same here

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Phew. Probably a firmware bug then.