Digitakt : External battery / Power pack options?

Can you use this on a A4 mkii?

All right, gotta get my hands on one of those! :slight_smile:

Hi, I’m new on this forum! Thanks a lot for the tips :slightly_smiling_face:

I was looking this onem it seems very small and portable…
Will work? and how many hours autonomy with the digitakt?

Does this work, @Munro ? :slight_smile:

Yep, five hours of playing pattern!

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Got myself the MAXOAK 50000mAh 185 (seems to be the same as PowerOak above)
Extremely powerful, pretty cool to use a couple :3lektron: boxes for hours + Keystep + Speakers…

I appreciate it that it doesn’t make a noise.

Only drawback is that it’s rather heavy (2kg iirc).
Maybe a little bit overkill indeed. But very well built.
Inspiring confidence.

Anyway, portable battery is a pleasure :slight_smile:


Battery power is the most purist and clean (not environmental, but powerwise) form of DC power you can get. Even the original PSUs don’t provide it like that. When you convert AC to DC there is always some “noise” from the original more or less sine waves and other leftovers from the power grid.
So as long as you do not use an battery with an inverter that gives you 240V AC but direct 12V DC out, you are fine.

No warranties, though. But I use equipment for 7k€ on battery quite regularly, I trust on it.


This one will work and has the proper barrel plug out= 5.5/2.5mm
I’m in contact with the company on warranty and quality of the batteries etc…

PS, all the step up cables 5vdc to 12VDC are useless because the USB power banks can’t supply enough power @ 12VDC. They give max 2.1A @ 5VDC.

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hey, what splitter did you order? and from where? Want to power digitone and digitakt from my poweradd pilot pro 2 battery.

+1 for the Omnicharge. The build quality is superb and the little screen is very informative. It’s slim and not heavy. Add the flexibility with DC output voltage settings and it goes to the top of the heap for me.

I also recently went through two hand inspections at US airports (domestic and international) with it and they took a look at the FCC and mAh rating sticker / decal on the back and waved it through. Be sure to get the Pro pack, though, since that has all the DC barrell connectors.

Obligatory snap of it in action.


I have links in my post from February 7.

i tried to use this battery to power my DT and AH at the same time and it didn’t work. it will power one of them but not both together. i don’t have the exact same cables that Sinamsis used. might return it and see about another option.

i tried to use this battery to power my DT and AH at the same time and it didn’t work. it will power one of them but not both together. i don’t have the exact same cables you used, so it might be an issue with that. I
might return it and see about another option

Which talentcell did you get? Also- do you know if it can be taken onto an airplane? Or at least how I can check out if it can be taken onto a plane?


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It’s fine for the plane. Be sure to place electrical tape over the DC in/out jacks during travel.

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You’re the best! Thank you very much!

I read the whole thread but I have a question that is not clear enough for me:

I want to buy an external battery for the Octatrack MK1. The power requirements says 6V DC 3A, but lot of the battery packs you recomend doesn’t supply 6V !!! How is that?

Does the Octatrack work with a 9V battery too?

Hey DaveMech how is this ravpower battery? You tried it with a couple devices? whats battery life like on DT for example? I ordered an omnicharge but i may send it back and get this one as it is a good bit cheaper. Thanks

@Mcpepe No, it must have 6V.

The Omnicharge 20 allows you to set the DC barrel port in 0.1V increments, which is one of the reasons I chose it.

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I think it gives me 8-10 hours of DT use, but I have yet to use it that long with DT. I can charge my camera around 8-10 times as well, my phone around 8 times as well I recon. It’s pretty powerful. The power outlet isn’t the most efficient way of powering the DT, but I could power my modular as well for a few hours if I want, charge my laptop, etc. :slight_smile:

The price difference is substantial enough and was part of the reason I chose this. And the power outlet opens a couple of doors for me for future videos ad well.