Digitakt 1.20 & Digitone 1.30

The voice reuse option in the voice menu fixes this. REUSE selects if the same note played twice should reuse the same voice, or cycle to use another free voice.


Far be it from me to suggest that you check the manual, but check the manual. :yum: The play modes are described there. What you are asking about is also solved but with the spanking new Reuse parameter in the Voice menu.


Awesome update guys!!! Wow this is a ton of great stuff.! Iā€™ll have to dust off the Digitakt later. It was on a ā€œback of the mind chopping blockā€ but this could definitely move it into the subconscious!


Separated TRANSPORT from CLOCK send and receive settings in the SYNC menu.

Looks like that Transporter Device I made should work with the Digitone and Digitakt now :wink:

Added the functionality to control Voice Reuse per track. It sets if the same note played twice should reuse the same voice, or cycle to use another free voice (default setting).

This is how Analog synths do voice allocation, a nice addition as well :slight_smile:


So good! What are you recording in to on the iphone?

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Ctrl-all does not work with the midi tracks. So only the probability of the audio tracks are affected.


Thatā€™s what I thought when testing it out :slightly_smiling_face:

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Never tried MIDI, thatā€™s a pity although thinking about it now there would be no guarantee a assignment setting was common across all tracks, and other factors. Makes sense

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Itā€™s still pretty cool that Prob can be used on Midi notes tho. Gives the digis another powerful tool that can be employed for randomness/generative stuff.


Iā€™m glad that Ctrl-All revert is now working for all pages at once.

[The revert CONTROL ALL function only reverted the active page.]

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You can turn it on and off at will without having to go into every single trig and set a value. Fun perf feature. I think itā€™s awesome. :+1:t6:

I think it shoulda been called chance to stay inline with the previously set convention on the Models :slight_smile: :wink:

And I think itā€™s more fun sounding


Psycho update part one! Well done elektron. Running to my existing patterns on DT and a lot of them needed that probability dial as finishing touch. Who needs song modes if this beast brings life in a 16 beat sequence for eternity!


Thanks! Just the DTā€™s USB cable going into the Apple USB3 camera adapter, into the iPhone

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Thank you Elektron this is so awesome, and just when Cuckoo was saying that the Digitakt would probably get no more updates (in his Polyend Tracker review - I still love you Cuckoo!). There I was thinking that it would be awesome if the DT got an update for itā€™s 3rd birthday! One thing I canā€™t work out and would love to be implemented for the digitone is controlled randomization of notes within a scale, e.g. add S&H LFO to pitch, but within a scale (like on pigments among others). If this is possible, someone please educate me :slight_smile:

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Can you delete steps in Step Record mode?

Thank you for the reply, and the great news!

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Mmmm that sounds like a nice addition for the next update :wink:

Along with MIDI RETRIG and CC for MIDI Rate :rofl:
Iā€™m gonna keep asking hahaha

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select the trig (make it green) and press no


Wonderful! Thank you!

This little guys have grown up to be heavy hitters!

:3lektron: :thup:

I think we need emots for emā€¦no?!



which effectively makes them just 25% conditional lock