Deals -- Perennial List of Things on Sale - GAS Warning!

I was just about to share this! You also just got the email then :slight_smile:


Nice sale for a 10-pack of Hosa Knucklebones at Guitar Center. $59.99 was $119.95


I’m not sure what features are in this version, but it’s always going to be a cheaper upgrade path, handy for when the upgrade paths themselves are on sale.

Izotope RX Elements $29

maybe not quite a sale but the new baby audio plugin is starting with an intro price, looks pretty interesting.

Acustica Audio Pink 4 bundle is £65 atm, the API one.

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Novation Peak 845gbp


Here are some Perennials on sale, for the Perennial List of Things on Sale thread. I am eyeing the Boston Ivy, even though I don’t have a garden…or yard.


I own pink since version 2. It sounds really nice and can open a sound when it’s right. With every version they optimize cpu usage a bit more.
I think 65 is a decent price for what you get.

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I feel like at $11 the Boston Ivy is a no-brainer.


Right?!?! I love its form and rhythm. And that red hue looks both warm and inviting.

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My system didn’t like it at 64 buffer settings. It was barely a blip on the cpu at higher buffer settings. I’ll give it another go, I love their version of the 560. Idk though, these flowers are starting to look pretty tempting, it’s a tough choice.

Yeah, when it works, it’s really good. I can recommend a couple of others aquas. Most recommended from me would be diamond. And there were a couple free ones along the way that are really good. The SSL fusion one is pretty good to my ears. And since updated the tan SSL really grooves nicely.

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keep in mind, windows only though !!


Now that is a good deal! I do love my Peak.

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Great deal.

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Earlier today in a Finnish newspaper: Jeff Bezos “earns” 63 billion in the first half of 2020.
Me: F*** Amazon.

Me now: :grimacing:


Ugh, my finger slipped. Damn you for posting. :joy:


I pulled the trigger. It works out to about a $700 savings from buying it here in Canada. Have been considering a Rev2 for weeks, this just solved that question. lol


I saw it at long & McQuade for $1999 CAD the UK price is $1465 CAD do you know how much shipping and taxes are?


Sale price is even cheaper for us because they take off VAT.

So all totalled, in Canadian is about $1548.

Long & McQuade with sales tax (if you’re not in a tax free province) is $2260 total.

So about a $712 savings.

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