
Bitwig and Presonus have worked out and open source standard to connect work done in one DAW to another. They call it DAWProject.

Here’s an article that goes into some detail on it : ( you can click English on this )

And good information from GitHub :

Bitwigs FAQ :

And a short intro from Presonus :

Lots of potential here if other DAW makers get on board.

It looks like some people are in process of adding Reaper to this.

I could also see the potential for some software makers to put together a simple template generator sort of app, or some utility to strip down already generated projects and create a core template from those as well. Potentially with this sort of code you could move parts around between projects, let’s say that come from different places, and maybe not even from full DAWs.

Also @Ryan – I think this might fit with your scripting idea in this thread. Just the whole potential for synchronize projects could be an interesting offshoot of DAWProject.

Also mentioned in this post, and this one too.


Could a groovebox export a DAWProject ???

In theory, a groovebox could. The developer of the machine would just have to write code to translates the groovebox’s “project file” format to the DAWProject format, and provide some sort of export function, like in a menu or whatnot. What gets exported is in the developer’s hands, and also determined by whether there exists an appropriate field in the DAWProject format to support a specific dataset from the machine.


Import wouldn’t likely work well to a groovebox, being that it is a sub-set. It would give a target for hardware makers to shoot for though.

But that all is a side-light. The main stage is going DAW to DAW. I could definitely see potential too in using multiple DAWs and moving between them for their strengths or special features.

I think that would be the case. A groovebox can only do a fraction of what a DAW can, so it would probably import whatever it can support and ignore the rest.

God bless America(or wherever this is taking place- i presume Germany)

This is open source, so it can be taking place in your mind too. I liked what you said in your thread, on having a way to sync projects between two DAWs and use the strengths of each, or parts that you just prefer. This could be part of that.

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