Convince me that an OT was not a mistake

After a bit of time away from the OT, I’ve been having a hard time with gain staging and immediacy. Too much head scratching, not enough playing has me thinking of swapping it out for an mc-707.

I have not barely used it as I was out of the music for several years, but I always kept all Elektron gear I own and I hope I can setup a new studio within this year. I am still sure the effort in learning these tools is worth every minute.


Yeah, I’ve done this with every bit of Elektron gear I’ve bought It really helps to have a couple weeks familiarising yourself with one as a stand-alone.

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…i use the ot for years now…and everytime i get back to it after a few weeks not using it, or just been using it on stage only for weeks in a row and then get back into studio, i have a little head scratchin’ session again…rigth in front of me…

so different aproaches on a stage or in a studio…

many times the most simple things, i tend to need to put back into muscle memory…

if u wanna have just some nice fun for nothing but out of the blue jammin’, the mc 707 will do always same and fine…
for anything beyond and serious, the head scratchin’ is always more than worth it…
each time…again…

Sell it and be done

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…ah, he would defenitly not be the first one to regret this decision sooner or later… :wink:

takes not more than two month, until he’ll feel bored first time by the 707…

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Every time I don’t use the OT… I reach for a crossfader and it feels wrong.

I dunno, maybe that’s a reason not to get one. You will depend on the xfader :joy:

I primarily use it as a mega FX pedal (Thru machines, sample kicks and use a comb filter).

It obviously has deeper uses but for me the “performance” aspect (xfader/scenes/live audio processing/etc…) is why I got it primarily so YMMV…

For me the comb filter and p-locking notes is fantastic. You can make a melody out of a drum loop.

What a fantastic mangler!


I had a 707 early on, before the sampling and upgrades. It was easy to sit down and get something going, but I found the synth engine too fiddly and not real-time-tweakable enough. Also wanted a sampler. I don’t want to sell the OT, but miss the 707. I know the key is practice and that the OT is very capable, I just had one of those sessions where all my inspiration vanished while digging through menus.

yes, I sold mine and now I am on the brink to buy it again, … but wait maybe I should wait…

Wait for an accident?
OT MKI can do exactly what MKII does, same OS (+Multiply that MKII can’t do), so basically you’d wait for a potential OT MKIII Black edition?

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I sold mine but I did make tracks with it. It just is a pretty expensive device and it takes a ton of time to learn it. I have the RYTM and Digitone and they are incredibly fast and easy to me.

I think the OT REALLy suits a DAWless workflow a lot better. You can constantly loop in with it, mix over to that loop, make another loop while that one plays and also mangle the current one. It’s great for stuff like that.

If you have a DAW and are more into grabbing a sample and mangling it a bit for a part in a song, I feel like ableton is the best sampler out right now. You can do so many things so quickly that it kind of makes the OT a luxury item.

I’m a huge Elektron fan and can figure out their other gear rather fast. The workflow makes total sense to me and I just love it. The OT- that is a box I had to constantly use all the time just to remember all the commands things I had to do.

I think Elektron has really made leaps with their UX since OT came out. It’s still an amazing sampler but probably the one piece of Elektron gear that I feel people either love or hate due to the complexity of it.


yes, exactly…
now that the A4 and AR are released in a black fashion, than maybe an updated OT might be coming up in 2021…

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Why did you buy it twice? An why are you looking for an mk1 this time rather than mk2? :confused:

Personally hoping they wouldn’t change its size! I’d be interested in a black MKIII with original size, but I’d probably wait much longer than you! (second hand).


…they might change the grey finish also back to black again, once the actual batch in grey runs out of stock…
but if so, that will be also nothing but another facelift version of the same old thing like the actual mk2…

for a truu new version 2, the old code must be rewritten first, so it can finally match with all their new achievements for real…the whole concept must come along with a new list of functions, new tricks, fx and benchmarks…
but for now, it remains the last machine from the “good old days”…

and as mentioned before…we will see some return of their other and older classics way before that happens…

and if i had to guess…ot as we know it will see some announcement like “last option to get one” around end of next year…the final sell out of the last ot’s…and then they start cooking on that next version we’re all waiting for…
but for my turn, i can wait and i’m still more than happy with what we got…

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Can you elaborate on this?

Multiply is a Pickup functionality. Apparently still not possible with MKII (except with external midi) because of new buttons.
Maybe I missed an update list?

MKI manual

Once a loop has been recorded it can be doubled by either pressing [MIDI] while in the RECORDING SETUP menus, or by pressing [TRACK] + [MIDI] at any time. Note that this operation makes a copy of the loop at that specific moment, so it is recommended not to do this while overdubbing.


having an OT is like dating an insane person - they drive you crazy but the sex is amazing.


Never tried with OT. Only sysex, analog plugs…


It’s called pickup machine for a reason after all.