Convince me that an OT was not a mistake

Underrated post.
This is spot on, IMO.


I never tried OT mk-I, so I’d like to compare how the original feels, thats all. I might like to buy both versions, but I would want clean units at a great price. No hurry. I have A4 MK2, MDM, MNM - that I plan to keep, I am not using them much now as I take a break to learn Ableton and am messing again with Eurorack: Tape and Sampling, FX etc modules.

It is very sensual, when you turn the knobs, it feels like…ooohhhh. And with the crossfader it’s like aaahhh. For more details, you can ask a better specialist in that concern. :wink:


ha, funny. I mean there are definitely aesthetics involved with any hardware device, module etc. IMO. Watch the Max Marco vids on the OT-1, he knows that thing inside and out. genius. (The Bob Ross of the Octatrack, if you will).Screen Shot 2020-10-31 at 6.16.05 PM

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If they release a black version of actual grey MKII, I’d be seduced immediately, actually I’m already seduced because I’m pretty sure they’ll do it. If they choose AR/A4 MKII size, I’m definitely off.
Edit : I’d probably think it’s sexy though…

I’ll never sell my MKI! First Elektron.
If I had MD before, maybe I’d kept it.
MnM being same generation, not for me.
@LyingDalai has to convince me with MnM next time I’ll see him. (Lockdown in France).

Of course, if you make videos, you’re much more clever than posting here.



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“You will not regret getting an OT”
Said the guy who had it when he was young and just released something brilliant with it. :content:

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WTF is that thing?

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Take a look what a monster the device is.
I found myself watching this video over and over again

Also, another folk, Kenny Zhao, holds live weekly streams on YouTube with OT MK2.
Really opens up its potential.

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Ugh!@ Never should have come here! I literally talked myself out of getting a behringer 303 mere hours ago. Such a one trick pony but so cheap and so acid.

Thanks for the recommendation, did not know MAX MARCO!

I thought the cuckoo and cenk/elektron vids were good, but these are also really nice.

Is there a thread where all the good YouTubers are listed? Might be an inspiration for many folks.

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@Max.A compiled many ressources here :
Free Octatrack Tutorials list


Great! Thank you!

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I am the crazy person. The OT is the one doing the… mangling? :3lektron: :elmd: :elmm: :elot: