Confirmed - Ableton Push without computer

@thetechnobear so just looked at your project and if i understand correctly you’ve put the os of the norm (some kind of synth) into a rasperry pi and are controlling it from the push?

Very cool indeed!!

I was looking for sequencing multi (per midi id i guess) external devices from usb to midi… :slight_smile:

so very broadly speaking… what I’ve done is

a) add support for Push2 for Norns running on a raspberry PI
Norns has quite a few patches for it, including sequences , samplers and synths.
these can be written in a combination of Lua and Supercollider.

my push support :

  • emulates monome display, monome grid (128)
  • acts as a midi controller
  • has native support for graphics… so you can go beyond the normal norns mono 128x64 display with your own patches.

b) Orac with Push2
I wrote Orac, and it supports Push 2 and midi controllers, can run on a variety of platforms including rPI.
Orac is a kind of virtual modular, that has full midi control,
it includes a variety of modules including sequencers , fx , synths, midifx, utilities.

again, users can create their own modules to use inside Orac - these modules are written in Pure Data.

note: Orac does not currently allow you to really tailor the UI to the push specifically, as its focus was on cross-platform compatibility.
however, this is an area im reconsidering, but not made any firm decisions on.

both Orac and Norns support multiple external midi devices.

Orac probably doesn’t have the conventional sequencer (module) that you are thinking of.
Norns might or if it doesn’t there is no particular reason you could not create one.

in some ways, this is why ive been considering writing other apps for rPI/Push, ones that are a bit more dedicated to a particular task… things like Orac/Norns are very flexible, but sometimes it can be easier to write applications when they are focused, as you don’t have so many other things to take into account :wink: … also the UI can be really tailored to doing one thing really well.

that’s why I think @marcustrinyo approach is interesting.



I think both projects are really interesting.

I would really love to use the workflow of the push2 (scales, sequencing a drumpcomputer via midi, sequencing external synths…) standalone without ableton

Will look into it further!


Wow look at this:

If we would combine the midihub with ableton push 2!!!

Getting really excited here :slight_smile:


I use a midihub , great device …
but… it’s not usb host, nor can you put arbitrary code on it.

But what I use it for is a usb midi -> din (x4), plus all it’s creative routing and fx.

I use a rPI 3 (&4) generally for this stuff,
but I was thinking might be fun to do with a PI zero only issue is, only one USB host port - so you use that for push - your going to have to wire up a midi din port. - but might be cool as a little ‘dongle’ type thing.

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@thetechnobear just crushing the internet from forum to forum


Lol , yeah… I’ve not spent much time here.
But got an octatrack in last few days, so checking out the treasure trove of info left here by elektronauts :slight_smile:


So do keys/modes sequencing work?


I’m back working on my project after a little break ( My wife gave birth to our little daughter :slight_smile: )
What I’ve done since my last report:

  • Bpm Handling
    ** You can set Bpm up to 0.01 precision
    ** Tap tempo
    ** Transport control Start/Stop can be separately (and of course all at once also) triggered on devices that have a sequencer
    ** Nudge
  • Midi-level routing can now be specialized by midi-channel
  • (Debug functionality) Last N incoming Midi Message visualization on screen (scrollable)
  • Every setting (including last sound-device parammeter values) are saved on application exit and get reloaded at start (parameter values get send out to devices to have the values consistent)
  • Right now working on:
    ** Preset functionality, that means you can save the actual state of your sound parameters(per device) under a preset-name, and you can recall them. (Of course this feature makes only sense with devices that have full midi implementation)
    ** Sound Parameter scenes and fade

Last week I also got an Octatrack, really fun device, especially when you map the parameters to external midi controllers like the ToucheSE . Other pro feature, that it reflects all its parameters, so I’m happy with it.

First of all you have done some amazing work, congrats!
I’ve made the decision, the project goes open source to github (hopefully at the end of this year, depends on my little family), and It would be great if you could check it out (and maybe contribute :slight_smile: )
I will make some executables available for rpi2/3/4 in the near future, I still have a lot of work to do until that step


Oh I forgot: Could everyone who is interested in using the project write a list about the gears they would like to connect (Sound and conroller devices)? So I can create the description-configs for the most popular devices (of course preferring devices with full/good midi implementation)
If you prefer, you can send it in a mail to me:

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My goto list:

Virus ABCTi(2)
novation SL controllers

Great project. Following along.

Aaaand: Congratulations, young dadling! Code what you can code now. Won’t have a lot of sleep the next two years :sweat_smile:


Thank you,
I’ll code when she is asleep :smile:
(nice setup btw)

Check this dude!!! He made a drumcomputer in Excel :joy:


Office Beats :slight_smile:

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Preset handling … Done
With some limitations: the sw assumes, that sound parameters of a device are equal across channels( = voices). Especially drum-mahines don’t share this philosophy



can you help me out with some free-to-use pictures of the devices you want to control?
You could send them to “”.
(btw the tests on raspberrys show, that only the raspberry-pi 4 is capable to make the user experience fluid)


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Of course. I’ll make some and send them over. Did just read your reply.

PNG with tranparency? Or plain JPGs?
Edit: I’m asking the companies directly for permission. way better pictures with consitency in lighting ect.
@Ess Would it be ok for elektron to use your super decent top notch pro level awesome product pictures for this? So I do not have to to all the work another one already did again :wink: Dunno who else to ask, so request goes to you.

They look like this @marcustrinyo


Waiting for anwer from novation.

Thank you, that’s awesome,
Any format will do, I will convert them all to pngs-with transparency into the right format.
I keep you guys informed about the progress…

Where can I buy it?