Confirmed - Ableton Push without computer

I’ve this app, need to learn some programming to make this happen. I’ll start with your max patch to transform it to only work with rytm and edit for my virus rack to handle it on the same screen with the rytm

good! let me know how it goes and if you need help just ask. :slight_smile:

well, i run it like the tutorial but seems there’re so many changes on Push2. First is the list of CC is not the same (this might be easy to change) but the more complicated is the display, i’m learning from this searching for some hope

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Indeed the display part is the most difficult, that is what hold me most to buy a Push2 :slight_smile:
Changing the CC´s # is easy.

Im working on a raspberry pi project, actual state is this:
(its capable of controlling every device with a proper midi implementation, not just the minitaur:) )


Very intrigued by this!

Wow this is awesome

So is this actually now working?

This will save me a lot of $ if I can use push 2 dawless with my Octa

Hi everyone! Yes it’s actually working, I was just recording without sound :slight_smile:
So here is the thing, working features:

Gear detection:
Every usb-midi device (midi-controller and sound device) is recognized by its (usb)name, then a device specific configuration-file is loaded, where a lot of stuff is defined (especially the controller values and their corresponding midi cc/nrpn). Din-Midi devices(like the Elektron devices, since they are not Usb-Midi Class compliant) are connect through a usb-midi to din-midi hub. You have to configure a mapping in a json file (maybe later done in the UI), so the device can also detect them and load their config.

Raw Midi Routing:
There is a midi-routing scene, where you can see control-devices(by picture and name) on the screen in the upper row and sound-devices(by picture and name) in the lower one. Routings are marked by a green background

Control over every midi-implemented parameter of a device:
You select your Sound-Device and voice(= midi channel) by pressing and holding a button on the push(actually its the “Browse” on the push2). When you release the button, you get to the parameter-control scene, where you can select parameters by category and you can manipulate them with the knobs. A midi-learn functionality is also implemented for them, so every parameter can be controlled by connected midi-controller.
When a connected sound device has a parameter-dump functionality, it is asked at startup to send them all, so the push2 can show the real values of them.
Some sound-devices can send midi-cc/nrpn when you modify a parameter on them. The push recognizes them and the visualization follows.

Scales and Push2s Pads
The pads of the push2 are available as a midi-controller device at the raw midi mapping scene, so they can also be routed to any connected sound device.
There is also a configuration scene for them (almost exactly like in Ableton) where you can select scales, change octaves and so on.

Every connected device needs a configuration file where cc-mappings, parameter groupings, path to pictures etc. are defined. At this state, I have to create them manually, and I did so for every gear I have at home (thats not too much now:) )

Actually I develop it and test in from an x86 linux PC. I can test also on a simulation (made as a freecad plugin), so I don’t have to carry the push2 device with me when I’m on holiday :slight_smile: (
There are some features I would like to finish before I get to the raspberry-pi/yocto work:

  • Bandwith limitation for Din midi output connections (there is a bug and the used midi lib crashes when you send cc to a din-midi port with usb-midi frequency)
  • Midi-clock setting/sending/tap-tempo/nudge/routing

More ideas for the future:

  • Some nice visualization for filter-curves and ADSR-s
  • Arpeggiator functionality
  • Sequencer functionality
  • Define octatrack-like scenes and fade between them
  • Bpm/Pitch detection by audio in
  • An easy to use UI-tool to configure device-configuration files
  • Some easy-to assign and use midi-modulators like LFO-s to affect sound-device parameters
  • Maybe port the OTTO-Synthesizer Project to the psuh2

Ok, thats all for now, if you have any questions, dont hesitate to ask, I will keep you informed about any progress I make.

Oh… and actually I have not decided if I make it open-source or not, but I can send you compiled images when anyone is interested.

Have a nice day elektronauts!


This looks awesome and as a Push 2 user, I‘d be all over that. Keep us posted on your progress!

Same goes for Maschine Jam.
Developing a 4 deck control for Traktor as well as a MIDI template for Digitakt :wink:

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Sounds interesting. Is there any info available of this project? Is the Jam also controllable like the push2 ?

I am just developing a template for Maschine via Controller Editor :slight_smile:
Edit: for DT
In fact any NI controller (that I have used) has got a midi mode.

Started implementing a mapping curve functionality that is modifying the control values on its way to the destination CC:

Still to implement: min-max y-axis values control, invert-curve control
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Ill stop posting vids about the state of my project, because it has been marked as spam…
Ill write a note here when I have an sdcard image you can try with the raspberry.


Great work! One thing you might consider is focusing on a robust generic midi note sending use case at first and ignore all those pesky (and totally different per device) cc mappings. My push is the odd duck in my setup as it’s the only piece of gear that’s useless without my computer (how i play 2/3 of the time). If i could use the push standalone simply as a midi keyboard (with scales) i would be so excited. The only parameter to tweak would be the midi channel (to select an instrument) and maybe a midi port.

That’s implemented already


Hey everyone,

I would be really interested too to use the sequencer of ableton push 2 on external synths, i have the juno alpha 2, casio cz-101, behringer model d and mfb tanzbar which i wonna connect to it. I have a raspberry pi and basic programming experience so would be more then happy to help!



Very interested when you are up and running :+1:t5:

Hey @marcustrinyo ,

Would you be willing to send the images?



have you made a decision on this?

I think your project is very interesting… some of the features you have, Ive either got in my software (MEC) or considered adding - but I can see the value of a dedicated application thats more focused on this.

if you do open source it, then I’d definitely take a look at it, and see if its something I might contribute too (*)

as you can see, I’ve got a couple of things I already have done with the Push and a raspberry PI.

Monome Norns

Orac (which I also wrote)
… this is an old video, shown on Organelle - but now runs/released on rPI, and the graphics are much better :wink:

some tech notes others may want to ignore ;)

my software used for Orac will actually work for any pure data patch which uses my Kontrol PD external… and couple be extended beyond PD)

all this stuff works on an application I call MEC, which Ive recently extended to also cover linux framebuffers (for supporting norns)

note: I tend to focus on doing this hardware side in C++, and Ive moved over to using libcairo.
so if you’re using similar tech, then Im more likely to be able to contribute… as its its where my ‘interests’ lie.