Computer Video Game Recommendations

I was just about to post about Control, it’s just had a DLC released. I’ve not finished it yet, only a few hours I’m but it’s concept, story, in game physics and gameplay are all incredible. I can see why it won a ton of awards, it’s also pretty tough in the combat sections. It’s amazing being able to fly and throw tables at people, and fight enemies vertically…


If anyone needs a really challenging game, i recommend Sekiro:

link and trailer


Awesome, yet possibly the most frustrating and toughest I’ve played along with bloodborne…

I think sekiro is the best though, I’m not really into heavy fantasy stuff like souls…also I just get pissed off and give up. I’m still playing sekiro

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Oh man, Bloodborne… I remember that came out early in PS4’s life cycle and it was one of those rare games on the system - at the time. I played cause there were no other games to play and it did suck my soul… Finished it and the only feeling was, remorse… Too hard, too cryptic and an uninteresting ending…

Oh, I started a twitch channel to stream PS4 gaming…

Was streaming Doom64 yesterday, came to the end of it. The end game boss was so difficult. Impossible pretty much. I was playing on the Hard setting though… During my countless tries to beat the final boss, loading the save game etc… My whole save games were deleted. And it was spotted by people watching the stream :slight_smile: Save game corruption is a bad one…

Came back to Death Stranding today, I think I am half way through. Really enjoying it… Very different feeling altogether.


Yeah bloodborne really made it hard to enjoy, it was punishing at times and I never finished it. I love the theme, the gothic setting and lovecraftian vibe though. Sekiro is better imo.

I used to have doom64 back in the day, it was great! Will pick up the new one soon I hope.

As for death stranding, I think I’m getting close to the end, I’m doin Deadman’s mission in the mountains. I’ve really enjoyed it, it’s super weird but there’s just something cool about it…I find the gameplay mechanics really soothing, like meditation…

Some great games coming up soon…Resident Evil 3!

I’ll have to follow your twitch channel man!

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Ohhh!!! Im at that bit too!! He calls you to the mountain cabin and hell breaks loose!!! There was a great cut scene… Very trippy… Is that towards the end i wonder… Im about 50 hours in though i do sides and waste time a lot…

Yea doom64 was great!!! Loved it!!! Very cool level design. Need to jump on to doom3 then to doom eternal!!

Which, never played doom3. Supposedly not very good??

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I play HeroOfTheStorm, nick there is also “Sternenlicht” . (bnet tag.)

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Wow the cutscenes are so mad, some of the best performances and weird trippy visuals. I know some people bash Kojima for being more style over substance but I really love that side, the dialogue is pretty silly but he comes up with amazing visual concepts. All the stuff with Mama and her sister…crazy. I’ve done around 40 hours too at this point, done a lot of the side mission, and building roads and zip lines, the soundtrack is great …such a cool game.

I wish Metal Gear Solid was still a thing or they finished MGS 5

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Yea!!! Those cutscenes… Since the very first MGS on ps1. For me, this is his best work so far. There is this very different feeling of rewarding in death stranding, and the story + environment + tech is extremely cool. One thing lacking big time, there is no wild life in the map… All those forests, rivers n mountains without a single animal…some few deers n rabbits would have added a great deal i think. I guess there is a story tie in explanation to it.

Im getting the feeling of playing MGS4 again these days… That motorcycle scene!!!

Oh yea, MAMA and sister!!! Well errr dont wanna spoil here


HALO Xbox love that game ! :+1:

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MGS1 is defo my favourite, I got it when it first came on ps1 when I was about 12 and it absolutely blew my mind, it was amazing at the time to me the story, cut scenes, voice acting 3D characters and amazing stealth…it probably seems dated to kids today but it really was a huge deal. The second one was equally good imo…

I’m really excited to see what he does next, something along the lines of P.T or a horror game would be amazing.

Ah yeah it’s a shame that Death Strandings world had no living things in, I think that’s the biggest gripe from me. It’s such a great map, the landscapes are incredible.


I’m a big souls fan (dark souls 1 still being my favorite out of all of them. Always proud to say I best the game at SL1 :wink:) and I think Sekiro is the hardest of the bunch. It’s also the most satisfying imo. You really have to play it on its own terms and cant waiver. You cant level up if you’re stuck, neither.

I should replay it but I’m currently replaying bloodborne so it’ll have to wait.


Speaking of MGS, I just started playing MGS5 The Phantom Pain again. Still haven’t finished it, but it’s such a great game! I keep hearing it was ultimately unfinished and ended abruptly. Probably Konami telling Hideo Kojima to “wrap it up” due to budget / timeline. All in all, the game is so good! I love Kojima’s mix of military operations and the supernatural. Some of it reminds me of an old anime called “Angel Cop”


I can’t put it down! Good stuff!


I’m currently playing it again at the min, just sorta dive in for missions when I’m bored. I love it too, the gameplay is incredibly satisfying, even without that ending it deserves. Imagine what it could of been though, if Konami just ponied up?


Lol I’m playing bloodborne right now guys / on my 8th build. Most dark souls story is lackluster you really have to find the story it’s very vague and in the from software souls games you have to do multiple playthroughs and NPc questlines to get all the lore. But I guess I’m a veteran when it comes to souls games, I started playing it with demon souls and then dark souls 1/2/3 I have liek 10 characters on each game , so if anyone wants some jolly cooperation, I’m your sun bro for life. PRAISE THE SUN!!! :sunny: :sun_with_face:


Spoiler alert! ’m about halfway through MGS5 it’s one of my fav metal gear games so far I really hope it didn’t end abruptly I mean it seemed like the game was ending with some credits after I took the metal gear back to mother base but then it said chapter 2! So high hopes for the ending I put over 100+ hours in so far doing every little thing. Getting the wormhole Fulton makes the game much easier. Love me some MGS boss fights. Anyone else only
Listen to the 80s music tapes as they play ? My helicopter song is “Take on me “!


If you see “gloomsofficial” out there when your summoning that’s my psn on bloodborne I really wish they used your character names online my current char name is “You Bastard!” Dark souls 2 message reference lol :joy: I’m currently doing my third arcane build just got the moonlight great sword for the 3rd time and going for the Kos parasite paired with the milkweed covenant rune to get that AOE arcane tentacle shenanigans. I’m all about using the hunter tools! Don’t forget to smash patches in the lecture building lmao!


When I attached a balloon to a goat and upgraded my weapons from my phone while my helicopter came flying in playing a 1980s cover of The Man Who Sold The World I knew we had hit peak video games.

I should replay that game. It’s been almost 5 years!! And I only played it on PS3 lol

I am also a Souls vet myself :slight_smile: You and I have very similar tastes. I remember anticipating Demon’s Souls coming over to the west back in 2009! When I was a sophomore in high shool…Got the limited edition with the little strategy guide and everything. I’ve played every game since and basically bought a PS4 just for Bloodborne.

You like the Monster Hunter games too? If not they’d be right up your alley.


I like the Ipod item in MGs4 because you get podcasts from the team and you can rock some Metal gear 1/2 chiptunes while you sneak around :wink: the boss fights in MGS4 where in point just like the other ones , but I had to wear the young snake mask after I got it everytime (I still need to finish MGs4) looking forward to that motorcycle scene!

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