Clearing automation confusion

I have read the manual and cant seem to find how to clear parameter automations made in live record from a track, specifically some extreme tune tweaking. I have held many buttons and clicked a lot of encoders but other than lucking out on one occasion am still non the wiser, I would be very happy if someone could enlighten me, thanks.

To remove the parameter locks of all tracks while LIVE RECORDING mode is active, press and hold [FUNC] + [CLEAR]. Sound locks will, however, not be erased.

Press [NO] + one (or several) of the [TRIG] keys to erase a sequence of recorded trigs on a specific track (or on several tracks) in time with the sequencer, i.e. all steps reached on the pattern playing will be erased until the keys are released. Sound locks will not be erased.

You can also remove specific parameter locks in real time by pressing [NO] while pressing the DATA ENTRY knob corresponding to the parameter that will be removed.

I think this is what you’re looking for? It’s on page 33 :sunglasses:

You can also hold down the trig you want to clear automation from and push down the encoder to reset each changed value. This is a bit tricky the frist few tries and is more work if you want all automation to be cleared but very useful if you only want 1 parameters you automated to be cleared. You have to press it quickly without rotating the encoder.


Thanks, your third suggestion sounds like it will do the trick.
I will have to revisit the manual and work out why it was so elusive, you would think that there would be a section on clearing stuff, it didnt seem to be with the general pattern and track commands.

FUNC+Clear in Live Record cleared everything


When you say remove specific parameter locks, will I need to specify which track I want the tuning data reset on?, or will it reset any tuning parameter changes I have made across the pattern?.

I wasnt holding the button down long enough, you dont hear any change untill the track has completed its cycle.

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I don’t know if I was accidentally doing this or if I found a bug. Was working on a pretty complex pattern and my plocks kept disappearing on 2 of my tracks but not the others. Super weird.

[FUNC] + [CLEAR] in live rec mode doesn’t clear locks, it clears all sequence …
What is the right command to clears just the locks not the sequence?

It is possible btw to reset just one track, get rid of all automation without resetting the whole pattern? reload track/sound 1 for example (like in analog four) not reload the whole pattern or nothing.

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Hi Anghel!

I came across this having some trouble myself and thought I should reply in case you never figured it out/ in case it’s unclear for any future users. You’ll want to press [NO] then hold down the [DATA ENTRY] encoder for the parameter locks you want to erase while live recording. You also need to hold down the encoder long enough for the patterns to cycle through, like digimatt said above.

For any new people: for example, if I live record some tuning changes on the sample SRC page and I don’t like how they sound, all I need to do is re-enable live recording, hit the [NO] button, then push down the encoder for tuning. A message will pop up saying “Erase locks”, so you’ll know that it’s erasing the lock associated with that parameter.


Hi, i’ve checked it many times and [FUNC]+[CLEAR] no matter if LIVE RECORDING mone in on neither off it erases everything. :confused:

While in Grid recording mode, hold down the trigs you want to clear the plocks from and press [PLAY}. It should say CLEAR LOCKS on the screen.

This actually works to a point, when you press [NO] then [TRIG] while in Live Recording mode, it does erase the notes, but when you let NO go… the TRIG that the track’s sequence was on at the time of pressing it down is on :roll_eyes:

Surely this isn’t right? Am I doing smth wrong here?

I am a new Digitakt user and had this same question. I have had trouble erasing automation using [NO] + press and hold Data Entry Knob and have found that using the temp pattern save function to work a lot better. Before I do any automation, I make sure to FUNC + [YES] and if I make any mistakes, I just FUNC + [NO] and start over. Hope that helps!

Yea, a note is added to the seq at the position where you release NO. Elektron are aware of the quirk, no word on a fix though.