Clearing a track`s sample assignment

There’s a feature request thread with many requests since a while. Also some known bugs. Quite sure it wouldn’t be a priority. :wink:
If there’s a 1.4 one day.
I prefer workarounds than highly hypothetical updates.


  1. Select the track you want to empty.
  2. Go into to edit mode.
  3. Under file, select SAVE AND ASSIGN SAMPLE.
  4. SAVE SAMPLE AS… keep the same name and overwrite.
  5. Select ASSIGN TO FREE FLEX. This will copy the original sample into a free slot.
  6. Exit Edit mode.
  7. Select the the track you want emptied again. Assign the copied sample in the new slot you just filled.
  8. Go back into edit mode. Under file select CLEAR SLOT. REMOVE SAMPLE FROM PROJECT? Yes. This will remove the copied sample only and clear the slot.
  9. Your track is empty. The original sample in its original slot is still there for whatever other tracks are using it.