Class Compliant rocks

Oui, mais avec une interface midi et les entrées midi DIN. :grimacing:

Ravi de l’apprendre. J’ai une Octatrack, et j’ai pas besoin d’ordi pour enregistrer. Copie des fichiers directement sur la carte très rapide, pas besoin de logiciel.

Avec le MS sans USB, plus d’une demi-heure pour charger 5MB.

je suis d’accord, j’ai aussi des mach ines où t’enregistres direct tes beats en wav, c’est pratique mais que tu puisses enregistrer les beats avec cette méthode pour le m:s, je trouve ça pratique, ça fait moins d’édition avec l’ordi :nerd_face:

Avec l’OT j’enregistre directement la bonne longueur. Pas besoin d’édition. :stuck_out_tongue:

I am also on Win8.1 64bit and Transfer works flawlessly.

However only yellow attention signs in the hardware manager so no class compliance here.

Linux and Android works though…


It seems that Class compliant differs from USB Audio 1 and USB Audio 2 which the Model Samples needs. And thats not avaible for Win8.1 :frowning:

So no fish for us. (No I wont change to Win10) If I need Class compliance I boot Linux…

In other words you can’t use Transfer with MS and W8.1? (I could lauch Transfer on another computer with W8.1 but MS wasn’t recognized as an usb midi device)

Found your problem! All jokes aside any variant of 8 is awful, upgrade to Ten if you can. I believe it’s still free.

I don’t begrudge anyone still trying to live in 2013 right now.


No, its quite nice. Much better than 10 :slight_smile:

Electron Transfer works here on Win8.1 like a charm!

ONLY using M:S as “Soundcard” to get Audio from it (or output Audio via it) is not working.

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Not to go too off-topic. The timing that I saw that post was crazy as I just finished up working with a Doctor trying to setup televisits on his 8.1 Pro laptop. Webcam issues, Yellow exclamation marks in device manager. From experience, I tend to upgrade when possible.

I do truly understand not wanting to upgrade if you’re comfortable/Happy with an OS. I’m still living in 2009 on Win 7. HA!

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So… The Win8.1 on that laptop works with all kind of MIDI adapters/devices, USB Mikes (class compliant but USB Audio 1), Line6 Audio Interface, USB Cams, Arduinos, all sorts of USB thingies, Guitar2USB adaptors…

So urge to update just for a feature I seldom will use are quite low :slight_smile:

Im developing sample transfer app, discussion is here Ström on iPhone 6 :slight_smile:

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The King is dead. Long live the King! :slight_smile:

Mmm i cannot get it to work with android. Weird thing is; bought an USB-B to USB-C cable, managed to sample youtube into the digitakt once and never since. bought a new cable; no luck. Bought a converter for another cable, no luck. I cant wrap my head around the fact that it worked just once.

You just need otg cable, works like a charm

then im guessing mine arent OTG.
Did you manage to find a USB-C to usb-b OTG cable?

You take an usb c OTG cable and you use the cable of the box…

mine did not come with an cable other than power… Second hand.
What cable is that? thanks!

A usb cable, you use to transfer sample