Chord-Arps/-Patterns like "Barker" - HOW?

At 5.30 mins Barker shows off how he programs his patterns on the octatrack a bit. He uses an LFO to modulate the filter. Do you think this would be possible on the Digitakt as well, since there is only high- and lowpass available? Any other ideas how to do it on the digitakt?
Thaaanks and Love :slight_smile:

I’d love to get hold of that midi file of 64 chords. Anyone know of anything similar for download?

There are lots of resources out there if you google things like ‘midi chord pack free’ etc.

A tutorial and free chord pack example:

But why not roll your own? You’ll learn much more doing it yourself and it’ll be unique to you



Of course, I could roll my own. But if there’s already a file out there with every combo of major/minor/7th/9th/diminished etc… then that would be cool.

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This was recommended over in the Barker thread regarding his use of OT:

Scaler 2

Bought it last night and it is amazing! Anything you could ever want for chords and progressions. Layout a progression then drag it into a MIDI track. It’s dead simple.

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Barker just posted up a write up and some samples for how he does this on Twitter!


This is Pure Gold ! OT says yum yum :grin:

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Is there a list of what chords these are ? (Dawless for the moment…)

Not sure… I can screenshot the piano roll for you if you like! I only know major and minor so you can work them out :wink:

There’s quite a lot going on there! (this is C-CH.mid)


How are the “-CH” and “-05” MIDI files distinguished from each other? Are they supposed to be stacked and/or used in conjunction with each other for a more complex chord?

Wow this is just amazing! After watching the FACT video I was totally blown away by the sounds and instantly tried to get a Nord Drum 2 :smiley:

Just downloaded the files…do you think this is somehow doable with a Digitakt/Digitone?

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Its quite simple really. Just a sample chain, with a random bandpass filter.

Sample chains can be anything, any length. Chords included. Since OT has amp and filter envelopes, chord samples can be straight vanilla patches.


would you be so kind as to share an image of the C-05 midi file? I don’t have an OT and the C-CH image you shared was helpful. :slightly_smiling_face:

Here you are, for some reason there are 192 bars of blank space at the start, maybe he explains this in the post?


thank you so much kind human. between this and digging out the mutable rack for the first time in a while, my week is now officially shot. didn’t see anything in the post about the 192 bars of rest. maybe a max richter moment? :slightly_smiling_face:

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I see this happen a lot when I import midi clips into live, where there is a bunch of blank empty space in the beginning of a clip.

I simply adjust the start point of the clip to match where the first notes are. It only takes a few seconds to make the change in live.

I’m not sure if other DAW’s have this issue but I see it routinely in live when using midi clips from splice and other places. Seems like a bug that can easily be worked around.

Ever try this?

Try what? :slight_smile:

“I’m pretty sure you could get close to that sound on the Digitone. No LPGs needed! I’ll give it a try in the next few days.”