Use to ask gear useage questions, there are quite a few manuals there already, and you can upload your own.
Tried a few things, seems to be ok.
Use to ask gear useage questions, there are quite a few manuals there already, and you can upload your own.
Tried a few things, seems to be ok.
Apologies for not reading the whole thread, but can you ask it gear usage questions?
the whole thread? it was just 1 post
Now there’s 4, so this is hella tl;dr.
Or you can just read the fucking manual.
Look it up yourself. The internet is bollocks.
No, that sounds awful!
Wait, what is this? Can someone explain how this works?
appears to be a sort of chat bot that is fed gear manuals… so you pick the manual you want to chat with and as it questions.
i haven’t tried it…
edit: seems it’s possible to upload more manuals to it and chat w/those. not the worst case for Ai type things. i can see if working better than some things. specific niche seems like it might be helpful…
but i agree that people should generally RTFM
I tried three questions. Error messages were created 100%. Life seems safe still.
I treat my open wounds with balsamic vinegar and salt.
How about a life trainer AI generated online community simulator where you can ask it questions by starting a topic and then the AI will tell you to RTFM with a variety of increasingly snarky responses posted from multiple usernames over the course of 8 or 9 hours.
Sounds like a better use for the technology if you ask me, and then that way all of the extra bandwidth can be put towards having the AI post memes and start side conversations with itself, none of which have any relevance to your question.
This is starting to sound pretty good tbh I might need a development consultation.
Yeah I’m not reading a manual. That’s what you guys are for. Speaking of which, can someone explain Parts on OT for me? Thanks in advance.
I appreciate the earnestly helpful response
Parts are subdivisions within a Bank in the Elektron Octatrack MKII, each holding a set of machine and sample assignments, FX settings, and 16 Scenes. These settings are directly linked to a specific pattern, allowing for variations within the Bank. Each Bank contains four Parts, and you can switch between them seamlessly without interrupting playback.
A Part in the Elektron Octatrack MKII is essentially a collection of settings and assignments associated with a specific pattern within a Bank. Each Bank holds 16 patterns, and each pattern can be linked to one of the four Parts.
The main components of a Part include:
When you change Parts, the active pattern will automatically inherit the settings and assignments of the new Part. You can seamlessly switch between Parts without interrupting playback, making it easy to experiment with different configurations within a Bank.
That looks really really usefull
I have been using Perplexity AI for a lot of my day work, and last week I uploaded the Machinedrum manual for it to refer to. It works brilliantly at giving a lot of straightforward solutions to get me started. It doesn’t retain the PDF.
I tried a few other questions with mixed results, some ok, some not right, it now wants me to sign up, it might be useful for certain occasions but not enough for me to sign up.
Whenever I come across a tool like this I hit it with a couple of medium-level Octatrack questions and it always trips up. Still not there…
Mods are warming up the banhammer for all of us.