Chase Bliss Habit

Long and McQuade has stock in Canada:

you’ll just get one channel coming through it I think. You can get summing cables made up though. Think I have one somewhere I used to use with the OP1. Designacables made it.


Cheers Bruce!

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ARRGH ! thanks for that !! :slight_smile: I have my GG account logged in on this machine, so that was too stupidly easy… damn. Bought.


Do you think so? There seems to be a lot of stock around. The price of a used Mood has been falling on Reverb for a year now. And Bloopers don’t seem to be selling for a premium a couple of years post-hype. I think this might be one to sit out perhaps until the hype dies down.

That’s only for limited modules, which they’ve stopped making after the last debacle.

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well I’m half-joking… as it’s certainly not uncommon for CB pedals to rise in price. depends upon how long they go between manufacturing runs (which also depends upon supply chain being there, etc), how popular the pedal is, how long they keep it in production, etc. it’ll go up eventually. just maybe not in a year.

I doubt you’ll save much money waiting. maybe a bit though. gotta weigh if the money is worth the time you would’ve been using it, I guess.

and discontinued ones. Tonal Recall, Wombtone, Spectre, Condor… all in the $800 range currently. not to mention they haven’t done a run of Thermae in a bit (the pedal they discontinued TR in favor of). those are $800-ish currently…


Its all in the timing, then. Buy them after the hype has worn off and just before they are discontinued ----> $$$



Good little write-up/explanation here…although I’m non-the wiser :laughing:

Chase Bliss Habit: a Delay Pedal with Memory - Perfect Circuit


Thanks. Ordered one.

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And appreciate being able to get really short cables too.

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The Habit looks interesting for sure. What I am hearing from the Habit’s memory and scan functions remind me of stuff I get from the Blooper using certain modifiers. I guess the concept is similar but tweaked here. Instead of using layers, it uses a single 3-minute long additive loop, with the addition of a delay post-loop. Should be another fun happy accident machine.

As I’m watching the video I’m already getting frustrated because I see a few functions I would be changing often that are dip-sticked to the back. I might try one out at some point, we’ll see. Always great to see Chase Bliss releasing new pedals.

I was having a spell of cold feet after sleeping on it. I admit, clicking “buy” was somewhat impulsive, and I was heading for bed. However, after watching a few more videos this morning (namely Harpist Emily and, surprisingly, Andrew Huang’s), I’m starting to see the potential use cases – funny how that works, hah. I can use it as a delay, but it also may be able to do some cocoquantus or even cosmos-like things. As funky as the chase bliss UI can be, it’s still much more there than on a cocoquantus. That one was basically “pump sounds in, turn knobs and patch cables and listen to what happens”. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. It was certainly an eye & ear-opening device. I’m going to give this Habit a go. I think it will stick around though, as it seems like it could fill many roles. I’ll add my two cents after test-driving it whenever it gets here.


Andrew Huang’s video for this is pretty thorough. He runs guitar, a couple of synth setups, and vocals through it…


this looks like a pricey but well targeted device. who doesn’t want a recorder box that has some peculiar treatment of your noodles that you can then hone in on and render your happy accidents into motifs?

Reminds me of the 856 for Zellersahn, though as complicated as the Habit looks, the 856 is truly a puzzle.

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This looks fantastic: somehow right in the middle of Blooper and Mood in terms of functionality but seems to have a unique personality. I could actually see myself getting rid of both for this (well, maybe not the Mood!) since it does what I like about both (all the Blooper’s modifiers and frippertronics potential + Mood’s always listening happy accident factory) without some of the bits I don’t like (Blooper’s fundamental loop pedal workflow + Mood’s small memory and inflexibility with progressing captured audio). The fixed(?) buffer size doesn’t feel quite right to me though: 3 minutes is a little bit too long for me, I wonder if any wiggle room on that is possible.

My thought exactly, I was waiting for a mood to come in stock somewhere and now this is out that does more of what I want, but id like to be able to shorten the buffer to a bar or 2 roughly

So … your Digitakt loop being fed into this needs to be 72 bars (4/4) at 96 bpm to be exactly 3 minutes.

or 18 phrases of 4 bars each

and then you start twiddling

I wonder does the usb port mean a modifier library like the blooper…

The 60 delay time is pretty awesome. If that’s a feature that interest you, I also highly recommend the Eventide rose which also has a super long delay.

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I’m a sucker…I need another pedal like I need a lobotomy, but I have one due arrive on Friday LOL