Chase Bliss Generation Loss MKII

You really are a good boy :wink:


but you’d charge a €750 postage and handling fee, just to keep your conscience clean :rofl:
time is money, and sellotape and cardboard boxes don’t grow on trees.

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Didn’t Tom write at some point in the last year or so that he got the whole tape degeneration vibe “wrong” and want to start from scratch?
I think it was linked from a thread in Elektronoughts, but can’t find it. It was before the announcement of the merge.

Nope. Won’t sell it. And I bought it for less :slightly_smiling_face: so that’s a double no, I guess.

But I get your point :smirk:

Preorders up now. It’s a MKII and it’s Stereo!


Well that was an instabuy from me! Can’t wait till sept-nov! And it’ll be sweet to see the prices crash on the older models on reverb!


Same, stereo in and out did it for me

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That’s a good promo. I don’t (yet) collect pedals but that one’s got me wondering if I should start. Love the style! And the “mechanical failures” effect was so good!


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Providing the original algorithm in stereo is a nice touch.


Looks like US order numbers were up to 2000 already and I’m EU 171. Hopefully they can fulfil those sort of numbers on the first batch. Can’t wait!!

Oh well there you go :partying_face:
Preorder in, now wait :slightly_frowning_face:
Stoked about that stereo too. I plan to have it permanently attached to the 1010Blackbox for my SkinnyPuppy inspired fills.
Generation+Loss+MKII_Pedal_Chase+Bliss_Quick+guide.pdf (531.4 KB)


I placed the preorder with much quickness. I wonder if they’ll limit them to a certain amount.

I’ve been hoping for a stereo Shallow Water, but have ended up with a Generation Loss. Now do I sell the SW, or keep it around permanently attached to my tele?


Both beautiful devices…that’s a tough one, maybe it’s nice to have a mono option (SW)?
I’ve had one eye on the Strymon Deco as a stereo tape wobble machine - seems to cover that sort of ballpark well.

Reading about Generation Loss mk2 led me to find a v2 of Deco and other Strymons are on the way.

Nothing replaces Shallow Water imo, but I suppose with some clever routing you might be able to mimic its LPG with Gen Loss.

I’ve been spendy with modular stuff this last month but lofi digital is the focus of that setup, so running it through Gen Loss seems too fitting :sweat:


I say run the Shallow Water into the Gen Loss. If I am reading it correctly, it looks like Gen Loss MkII will stereo-ize a mono source.


Here is a Quick Guide they posted:

But where’s it going to fit?!?


You have more pedals than synths. I have more synths than pedals. Is this where I’m going wrong?