Is there a way to change pattern before the designated length of the current pattern ends?
For example:
I’m playing pattern 1,
( which has a setting of 64 steps)
I decide to switch to pattern 2 after 32 steps instead.
Is there a way to change pattern before the designated length of the current pattern ends?
For example:
I’m playing pattern 1,
( which has a setting of 64 steps)
I decide to switch to pattern 2 after 32 steps instead.
In the menu (Control>Sequencer) you can can control the behaviour of the sequencer, hence the pattern chianing .
Your parameter is CHAIN AFTER. It can go from DIRECT to PAT.LEN.
So if you have nice timing at your finger you can go DIRECT…as soon as you select the new pattern, OT will switch to it. You can have 2/16, so you can select the new pattern at 30th step and then your 64 step pattern will truncate on step 32 for the new pattern…etc etc
hope this helps d^_^b
That’s a nifty solution to keep in mind…
but in this particular case, I am trying to change patterns manually while playing live, this is part of my improvising setup.
I guess I could make my patterns shorter, but then I am gaining faster changes at the expense of less variation in my patterns.
The setting works for live use of patterns. The only restriction is that you can’t set the OT under 2/16 (which is obviously enough). I use the 16/16 setting to change pattern on the fly at the end of a measure. 2/16 is too short for me.
under Sequencer I changed pat.chain to 2/16 and it’s still waiting to complete the whole 64 step pattern before it switches… what am I doing wrong?
The sequencer setting can be overridden on a per pattern basis in the pattern settings menu.
To enter pattern settings press:
[FUNCTION] + [BANK] when grid recording mode is not active on MK I
[FUNC] + [PTN] on MK II
Then activate the USE PRJ SET. checkbox to make sure that OT uses your settings from the control menu.
i have a similar question.
"The sequencer setting can be overridden on a per pattern basis in the pattern settings menu.
To enter pattern settings press:
[FUNCTION] + [BANK] when grid recording mode is not active on MK I
[FUNC] + [PTN] on MK II
Then activate the USE PRJ SET. checkbox to make sure that OT uses your settings from the control menu."
It works fine when change the pattern from pattern 1 to pattern 2 but when I want to switch back to pattern 1 it runs till the 64 steps. I want to switch back after 16 steps. Can you help me with this please?
my settings are 16/16 also the master length. in the main menu control sequencer -> pattern change -> chain after 16/16.
In my case I have on pattern 1: a Kick very basic on 1 / 5 / 9 / 13 and I want to double the kick on pattern 2 on: 1 / 3 / 5 / 7 / 9 / 11 / 13 / 15 only for 16 steps and the go back.
I try this first with scenes and volume in the amp page but this affect the whole steps.
I don’t know what I´m doing wrong…
Thanks much in advance.
oh man sorry my bad. Now I saw I have to switch the master length per pattern Anyway thanks.
It is possible to make a direct pattern change with midi messages :
Program Change followed by STOP and START, or RESTART note.
Sorry to bump such an old thread but it is exactly on topic.
I keep seeing references to DIRECT pattern chain but I don’t see this option in the Control>Sequencer menu. It just goes from PtnL to 2/16 then higher and higher numbers but there is no DIRECT option. What am I missing?
Yes sorry, I completely abandoned this thread and I missed the above and right correction, to confirm your thoughts. I should have confused the info on the TRIG.