Chain with first pattern repeated

This works for me on v1.12

  1. Press and hold [ PTN ].

  2. Press and hold any [ TRIG 1–16 ] that is not the desired first pattern in the chain (continue holding throughout).

  3. Press the desired first pattern [ TRIG 1–16 ] and then release. (Ignore the temporary chain displayed on the screen).

  4. Release [ PTN ] then press and hold again.

  5. Finally, press the desired first pattern [TRIG 1–16] multiple times to repeat the first pattern.

… Yep.

Update: Instructions for OS 1.13


I have never used that because of this

As I was researching whether to buy the M:S, it was maddening to learn about this design choice/omission, and that it wasn’t corrected in any of the firmware updates that added other significant feature. I did buy a M:S and mostly think it is great, but for all of its hard drive storage and otherwise intuitive workflow, it is absolutely crazy that there is no way to repeat a pattern. It’s obviously not a hardware limitation - I think Elektron had a specific workflow in mind as to keystrokes that would get you a pattern chain, and realized too far into it that it meant you could never repeat the first pattern in a chain.

I’m used - and somewhat tolerant of - limitations of this kind coming over as a Volca Sample. But if I can save thousands of samples to a device, and switch two dozen of them in and out within a single pattern, there just has to be a way to repeat patterns within a chain and then SAVE said chain within a project. I’m actually not sure what function “Projects” serve if there isn’t a song mode and you can’t retain pattern chains - isn’t that just more like a new storage “bank” for patterns beyond the initial 96?

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Nice! This is a great tip (that should NOT work)! I didn’t fully understand your directions at first… the key is to keep holding the trig that is NOT the desired first pattern until after step 5. At that point you can hold a different trig and release that first one if you want to use that first one in the chain. Nice!


Thanks for the awesome tip @echoicMalady and @bleo :grinning:

Agreed. Looks like an accidental feature to me. Hope they don’t ‘fix’ it.

Nobody has mentioned that yet, so here is my 2 cents. Let’s say that pattern 1 will be first pattern in the chain. It’s 16 steps long, but you want it to be played 8 times before moving to next pattern:

  • While pattern 1 is selected, go to scale setup (FUNC +PAGE)
  • Leave Len 16, but change Chg to 128
  • Set pattern chain (press and hold PATTERN + TRIG1 and shortly hit TRIG2, TRIG3 etc.)

Note: in case you use TRK mode instead of PTN in the scale setup, it should be sufficient to set Chg for just one (usually 1st) track…


Yup. That works great if pattern 1 always occurs 8 times. If later on you want pattern 1 something other than 8 times, you still need the other method.

yes, but it depends on your workflow :slight_smile:
If you don’t mind having more patterns, you can use copies. So you make e.g. chain A01-A02-A03-A04 instead of A01-A01-A02-A01-A02-A02, where A03 and A04 are copies of A01 and A02 with just different Change parameter (and possibly some minor variations too).
Result: shorter chain (in case of repetition) and ascending order of patterns, so you can recreate chain very quickly anytime in the future without remembering anything.
Downside is strictly given structure, so in my example you might need another 2 pattern copies for purpose of live jam (placed e.g. on last 2 positions of the same bank), where Chg value would be equal as Len…

I was thinking the other day how nice it would be to have a Pattern Chain/Song Mode on the M:S where the Trig buttons become Pattern Slots, and you assign Patterns to the Trigs with the orange encoder, the same way you assign note value. Even if there were limitations - e.g. only patterns from the same bank/only 16 instead of 64 patterns total/no saving/whatever - I think this would make sense as a workflow if it’d be at all feasible to implement.


That’s a really interesting idea! Plus you could have additional features like mutes (hold the trig and press a pad to turn it off/on for that slot) or different length/tempo (press level encoder to jump to next parameter much like the note/length/velocity plocks).

This procedure is a bit more straightforward on OS 1.13:

  1. Press and hold the [PATTERN] button.

  2. Select and hold a PLACEHOLDER pattern key. This should not be a pattern you wish to add to the beginning of the chain. Continue holding this key throughout.

  3. Release and then toggle the [PATTERN] button. This will clear the pattern chain. The chain will remain active, however, as long as a PLACEHOLDER key remains held.

  4. Key in any patterns you wish to add to the empty chain.

Tip #1 – You can clear the pattern chain at any point by toggling the [PATTERN] button while the PLACEHOLDER pattern key is held. This is handy if you make a mistake while keying in your pattern chain.

Tip #2 – If you wish to add the PLACEHOLDER pattern to the chain, you can swap placeholders by holding the key of the last pattern added to the chain and releasing the former PLACEHOLDER.


I still can’t get the pattern chain to display on the screen (I’m in v1 .12). Should I simply upgrade?

Found my answer here, which is great. Weird that the first-ptn issue exists in the first place. What is still utterly infuriating to me is that M:S can’t just save a chain with a project. I’m not asking for a sophisticated song mode; I know that is outside the “spirit of the box.” ANYWAY…I suppose it is a lost cause and this stage in the game.

Arrrghh … only just realised this is a simpler version than the one I’ve been using. Thanks for the update @echoicMalady.

It can be simplified further (on firmware 1.13)

Step PTN button Desired 1st Pattern Placeholder Pattern
1 press and hold
2 hold press and hold
3 release, then press and release hold
4 press multiple times, hold last time hold
5 release

Then continue as before, always keeping pattern chain mode active by keeping at least one pattern (trig) key held down till you press the next.

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Nice one! I didn’t realise that you could release the pattern button if you toggle it.

I’ve updated my previous instructions to include your revision.

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I spent ages yesterday trying to come up a method that was easy to use, easy to remember. (The layout above helps me with the remembering bit). Right now, though, I can’t remember which step of that “release/press/release” actually clears the content of the chain, but anyway, releasing it as the final step makes everything that follows simpler.

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It seems like toggling the pattern button empties the chain. That definitely seems cleaner than holding the pattern button down.

I also just realised that you can toggle the pattern button at any point while the placeholder is held to clear the chain – that’s handy if you mess up the chain.

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Good to know