Can elektron start selling monomachines again?

seems like an issue on paper but in practice I very rarely run out of memory. maybe an option to record to the CF card directly would be nice for bouncing performances?


I hear you. We’d all love an updated OT, but as I’m not sure it’s possible and if it does happen we might still be waiting a good few years, then it’s best to get on with creating with the tools already at our disposal. That was my point, but yes, at the same time, bring on a new OT!


That’s what I love about it. For me, that’s part of the character.
But I don’t mind ugly saturations once in a while.
I can certainly understand others’ frustrations with it.


I don’t think the MnM is better than the DN - it’s completely a different machine. Sad enough that I don’t have one myself, but from the specs I would say that the different sound engines are very interesting.

If I could make a wish … Elektron should start from the MnM, make some improvements, include granular synthesis or even more typical digital synth stuff, get the sequencer par to the resently issued machines, include OB … and we would have a dream of a digital behemoth …


YES, this exactly! Also I would like to use the OT like a DAW, and record long takes without having to reconfigure my memory allocation, switch previously recorded tracks to static machines and so on.

As they say, you have to let go to grow. So I’m not going to get hung up about it. I do have a functional laptop running ableton attached to an audio interface that does all the stuff I just mentioned, so it’s not like an impediment to the creative process. I just see having a DAW in a box as the next logical progression.

100% Before I went all elektron with my samplers I had an SP-202 for years and it has an iota of the possibilities the OT provides. I think even if a new OT comes out I will keep the one I have despite its quirks because it has provided me with so many happy creative moments and promises many more if I can accommodate the shortcomings. Sometimes I am unreasonably sentimental about gear.

Shifting gears back to the main topic I think it is reasonable to postulate about the inevitable reissuing of previous generations of Elektron devices.

Look at how tape echo has gone from what was technologically cutting edge, to a studio standard, to a digital emulation for convenience, back to people making boutique tape echos. Something similar is already happening to the E-mu SP-1200, which was seen TWO faithful adaptations in the modern era. How long will it be before someone reverse-engineers the monomachine to give it the same treatment?


Not the same bc a tape echo and the sp1200 are not synths. Replicating the mnm would be much harder imo

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In short. No.

The long answer is the dsp chipset they used is getting harder and harder to source so they’d have to rewrite the entire code for a new main board which would probably alter the sound anyway so. No. You’ll have to find a used one.

I mean, that sounds like a fulfilling way to spend time.


You might have a point, if the DSP chipsets would work with different algorithms and resolutions, but this would not compromise of having a MnM again. IMO the concept of the MnM is worth to be extended and made available again.

Just as an example … to make music with an MPC, I wouldn’t buy an MPC60 in the first place, I would buy an X, Live, or One. I suppose that the demand of a modern interpretation of the MnM could be high enough to justify the business case.


They don’t necessarily have to recreate the MnM but they should recreate the concept of the MnM. Which they almost did with the DN. Just add two more tracks, six individual outputs and have thru and neighbor tracks. There you go a DN MK II+


Yeah I think it would be smarter to basically make new versions of all the engines rather than try to make old code work, not trying to make an exact copy on a monomachine but something new with a very similar feature set. Would be fun to just have a new machines based synth… I wouldn’t mind if the core architecture was more similar to a the digi series, with a faster workflow and lack of song mode. I think a lot of people around here want bigger features though.


With kits (optional) and arranger please.


I hope they bring back neighbour kinda tracks in future releases. having tracks interact on the fly via resampling / neighbour kinda stuff is next level elektron. all their boxes should have some form of it imo. it’s too good.


me too, if you’re brave and have Q levels high and have full awareness riding your DIST and VOL levels you can get unheard sounds out of the box.

using neighbour tracks as modulation sources for certain other machines is a well fresh aspect. i’m guilty of really only understanding it recently but using an FM machine to mod a SID machine created some insanely lush textures.


Could you elaborate just a tiny bit on neighbor tracks modulating another track? Is that in the manual?

Oops sorry edit:
Reading about it in the manual now.


Understatement of the year came early. :joy_cat:

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waftlord, would you mind elaborating just a tiny bit on how you personally go about having neighbor tracks modulating another track?

This caught my eye as well…can’t neighbour tracks only be used with fx machines ? Would love to hear this isn’t the case.

That’s essentially correct. Neighbour routing allows you to route the output of a track or a mix bus into an FX machine on another track.

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Yes, granular all the way