Blokas Midihub

I picked one up after getting frustrated with too much to do on the OT while playing live. I’m busy with a saxophone for the majority of the time I’m on stage, so some things just have to be done on the OT one-handed. It opens up a lot.

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@Jukka , I use both a xioXM and midihub.

I’ve had midihub for quite a while, as i was involved in testing - and the mioXM , for over 7 months .

they are very different products, and imho, complement each other very well.

the mioXM has excellent midi routing, including usb host and rtpmidi.

the midihub is excellent for more ‘creative’ routing, and also gives you some very useful midi din io.

mioXM, i love - but its routing software is dreadful… given iConnectivity’s success, I’m amazed they still haven’t managed to find a decent UI designer
but its functional.
(rtpMidi is also a mixed bag unfortunately, but that’s not iConnectivity’s fault)

midihub, also great - and the software is i think is both really flexible and easy to use.
and yeah, i think blokas are an excellent company to support!
(i do like the fact its a usb midi device, Ive used it alot to bring ‘computers’ to midi din - its nice size for this)

yes… its a pity midihub doesn’t have usb host support.
yes, you could get around this by using a rPI.
basically, rPI would host both the midihub, and the your other usb midi devices - and you can use alsa to connect the two.
rPI would introduce a little latency, but Id expect it to be fine.

of course there are other options for both usb midi host support, and also midi processors - bomebox, coding your own etc


Anyone tried creating a patch to use a midi keyboard to trigger Octatrack slices?

I’m thinking you need to:

  • Lock the “note” the OT is receiving to one base note.
  • Transform incoming notes to CC (controlling the start point - which is slice selection)
  • There might have to be a slight delay in slice selection and trigger.
  • There has to be something else I’m missing.

How did you make the chart?

In MindNode but any mind mapping software will suffice, point is to visualize it. :+1:

That’d be great, I’d love to be able to modulate old Yamaha FM synths. I do so on my TX81Z via Stereoping as that handles the cc to sysex conversion but have a few more without Stereoping controller which this would be great for.

Have they confirmed this is on the cards?

I didn’t know about the MRCC. This thing is huge. If I’m not mistaken, it’s for MIDI routing and filtering (etc.) but no MIDI FX like the Midihub. So much MIDI products these days but I’m wondering why as we are really near from MIDI 2.0. Another company will have to Merge Past and Future.

Actually you can read what the developer of the MRCC said about that for yourself — he responded to a post of mine over in the MRCC thread. But who knows — I do know the MH is for real right here and right now, and it’s considerably less expensive and more compact.

I’ve had the Midihub for a couple of days now, and I have to say I’m impressed. I’m not using it for any midi effects, only for utility stuff (for example, steer this parameter with that knob on that machine), and this has finally enabled me to use my gear the way that I’ve always wanted to.

So, even though I haven’t really dived deep into the Midihubs’s capabilities, I’m already very happy with my purchase. Totally worth the money.


One thing that’s very handy with the midihub is being able to quickly access the 8 different presets and I never actually use all my gear at once so I can just make different presets for the different approaches I have to making music.

8 preset seems good considering the I/O of the MH. Not having the MH in front of me yet, how do you know which preset is active ?? I did not find any documentation on this.

There are 8 LEDs on top of it, indicating active preset and midi activity. You press the button to scroll to the one you want, stop, it blinks, then loads.

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Ah that makes, sense thank you! Then you just have to remember what each preset is for. :grinning:

Haha. Yeah. There’s going to be some extra notations on my set lists, I assume. I don’t think I’ll get up to more than 2 or 3 for a set. There’s a ton you can do with one patch and a controller.

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They’ve spoken about it on the forum, from what they’ve said it does sound like it’s going to happen, they’ve even spoken about making templates for the DX7 to begin with and then working their way through other synths if all goes well. Blokas unlike many other companies seem to be intent on making the MH as fully featured as they can which inspires a lot of confidence in my purchase of two of them!

Cool to see so much talk and examples of various different uses for the MH, there’s no doubt it’s powerful for utility stuff alone, all the creative stuff is just an added bonus!

in regards to utility, I generally just need the ability to route my sequencer’s to my various different devices without the need for any filtering or remapping but it’s great knowing that I have the option to do that if a problem ever does arise.

I’m currently waiting on a few pieces of equipment and selling a few bits, once everything’s settled I’ll be rebuilding my studio to fit into a smaller space and then I’ll be sure to post some pics / thoughts on how I’ll be using it and some examples… I think the MH will offer me some completely new ways of working which I’m very excited about! I imagine there’ll be some pretty interesting possibilities having the two modulating each other.

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About five minutes of using the editor convinced me to buy this thing. It’s so straightforward!



I’m curious to hear how you use/connect the mioXM and the MH together ?

My MH will arrive this week!:+1:

I’ve got the MH plugged into one of the mioXM usb host - so it has power, and bi-directional midi.

Most of my routing is by midi channel (*)
but somethings are being done as splits on a single channel.

eg I don’t need the full range of notes on my AE Modular (only does 5 octaves) or on my Squarp Rample - so I put these on 1 channel, split via notes - and then transposed to a ‘comfortable’ octave. - this is part of the role of MH for me.

also I’ve kind of run out of midi din plugs on the mioXM so MH gives me extras.

Finally, at times I use the MH as a kind of ‘extender’ by having a longer usb cable, I can put the MH closer to so some synths who’s midi cable can’t reach back to on the MioXM.
( just rearranged things so that’s not as necessary now :))

But honestly what I use MH for keeps changing over time - it’s a great utility, that helps me over little midi issues that occur from time to time.


(*) my main issue is not that I have a lot of synths, but quite a lot of my stuff uses many midi channels.


Hi, have you build a Midihub Preset for this so that you can use a Keyboard’s (MIDI Controller) PB/AT/MW to modulate the Digitakt’s MIDI Tracks? Thank you.

Thank you, appreciate you sharing your setup!

Can you use the MH app when you have it connected to the mioXM instead of you’r computer ? If so that’s great, i have a few devices on switches since when i need to configure them i need them hooked directly to the computer, for the rest of the time i need them hooked into my mioXL

Will try it both DIN/USB connection and will first try to route controllers thru the MH on their way to my synths and see how that works.


No, the MH app is not using midi to program the MH. So, you have to plug it into your computer to upload new presets.

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