Bi-weekly record-diving sampling extravaganza | 08 | The Bar-Kays - Whitehouseorgy

@aarb420 thanks for the inspiration
I used the UK link

It was an interesting challenge, Trying to keep it pg.
Just worked off the title an the link you posted

Thanks all for the comments

Did I do this right? Is this what a banger is?
I’m not sure on the terminology
Is this what deep house is?

That’s what she said :woman_facepalming: sorry I’ll see myself out


:muscle: :beers:


Nice work, I like that :slightly_smiling_face:

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So I barely used any of the sample in this as I went off in a different direction than intended but it technically counts :sweat_smile: I chopped up the melodic parts right at the start and used those on the OT, with a synth bassline, then added lots of AR as the doctor ordered.

Theres a lot of good stuff ni there though so I’ll probably try and use it again this week with some other jams :slight_smile:

(this is almost all bass btw so good headphones recommended haha)


Are you using your Maschine on this one? Sounds like you’re getting a lot more comfortable with it :raised_hands:

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@BLKrbbt Sounds like a hot summer jam! Nice work on your drums man they are :muscle:

Part of every nutritious meal! :yum:

@natehorn That is a dope groove man swear someone has to compile all your vids into a :fire: couple hours set minimum because of how well your tracks would pair together! It’s like every drop is another step on a longer journey, which is really neat if that’s what you intended!

Thanks for sharing the goods guys, certified bangers being pumped out left and right! :muscle: I’ll be over there soon when I finish up this Zelda beat!


Nope. Still on the 404. I turned a corner on her and figured out how to get things sounding how the need to be.

Honestly, I think it’s sounding good just from all the overall work I’m putting in with all these challenges.

The Maschine is something else, though. I bought a bunch of expansions and the sound great. I have some bars waiting to post the next couple Jamuary days.

I appreciate the compliment!

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Just one more thought. I think I love the immediacy of the 404 for chopping. And the TR Rec patterning I am familiar with.

But it’s only good for small arrangements. You can pattern them effortlessly though.

Where the Maschine fits is full arrangements and managing of samples. It’s just way more robust and easier to juggle things.

With the 404, it’s great for resampling, but overall sample management, I use Synonym on my MBP, to quickly audition the samples then pull them from the same folder I have saved on the SD card of the 404.

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Nice one, I was waiting for someone to really dig into those sweet drums at the end :drum::grinning:
and using the laugh, almost put that in myself

I really liked when you brought in the funk about half way through


Aptly titled banger :fire: Your song layout was really neat and the energy was great! What equipment are you working with in your part of town? Thanks for sharing :beers:

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Thanks!! Been on the run constantly so had to be by computer only. Gonna try it on the octa when I have the time!

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Slow day at work so did another one. Also just ableton.


Cor right couple bangers here - @proskynesis that loop is well addictive


Let’s hope for many more if this is the result! :beers:

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I like 2:35

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I’m gonna finish my stuff for the Zelda thing tomorrow and Saturday but Im gonna get back from work soon and chop this sample and try and complete something in an hour or two.
Although you guys are completely smashing it so if I don’t post something this evening that’ll be a sure sign that I’ve made a load of crap :joy:


Nothing much but haven’t done any music making since Novemberish. Just a break, a rushed sample chop and live take (skipback on the 404mk2 style), might do some more with it… probably not, haha! But love this idea and wanted to do something at some point so here we go :slight_smile:


Okay… I made something… Its fast, and some might find it annoying, but it goes into the breakcore catagory, kind of.

Now the problem is that I should wait until after midnight to upload it for my Jamuary #12… but these challenges came first, and I wanna share!

I mean, posting early is okay, right?

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