Best ‘on the couch’ device for sketching ideas?

I’m looking for something to jam with/sketch ideas with while sitting on the couch while my significant other watches silly movies.

Obviously iOS apps are a possibility, given that I have an iPad - but really would be cool to have something a bit more tactile, and hopefully wireless. (a wireless digitakt would be perfect :stuck_out_tongue:)

The key ideas here are portability, intuitiveness and fun.

Keen to hear your suggestions!


(if you can find one)


If you SO doesn’t mind the click-clacking of the buttons, then a syntakt or digitakt with battery pack would get my vote.

Otherwise a model cycles (w battery pack), circuit tracks/rythm or mc-101 (which have batteries).


MPC live 2

Depends on whether you want ‘around the house’ portability or more generic throw in a backpack portability. Also whether you want the unit to major of synthesis or sampling.

For around the house use I think the MPC live 2 has you covered. It is perfect for the couch, wireless, the workflow is a bit quirky but only took me a few hours from getting mine (totally new to
MPCs) to get my head round the sampling, sequencing, synths etc and get going with a beat. Can be really fast and fun for sketching ideas, but also deep enough to finish them if that’s your preference. It’s a bit to big/heavy to travel with though for me.

If you need something smaller then the Novation Circuits are great fun, if a little limited (I reckon both the tracks and the rhythm together would be pretty neat set up that is still small and portable)

Alternatively - SP404mk2, Polyend Play or Tracker (plus battery pack), Model Cycles.


Sonicware Smpltrek !

Really depends on how deep you like to go on one machine. I’ve been jamming almost exclusively on the couch for the past few months and it’s always DT or M8. Both have clicky buttons though.

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As owner of Deluge and MC101 I would say:

  • MC101 if you are focused on synth based production. But after some time, its small size can be a bit tiresome for neck/hands
  • Deluge if you want some basic synth duties, like to work with samples, and want the possibility to work in pattern mode AND/OR linear full track composition
  • I would like to say SP404mk2 if you work with samples exclusively, but I don’t own it so I would take care of this advice :slight_smile:

And if you want really powerful portable combo, Deluge + MC101 is great, as MC provides great synth duties, which can be sometimes a bit limited on Deluge… except if using samples as oscillators, but it’s another story!

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Yes, it’s super fun and I consider it the ultimate pocket device for those who don’t like the LSDJ workflow. The synths are limited, but the sequencer is really powerful, and the workflow is unparalleled.

Plus with the iPad it’s an endless amount of sample fodder to feed the synth tracks

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Good question - I’d probably most want to focus on building grooves, than deep dive synthesis/sound design.

The SP404 could be of interest :thinking:

“Maschine+” seems a bad word but…


I’ve just been away on holiday for a week, took the (new to me) SP404 mk 2 with me. It was great fun. Really creative, fun and fast to play with. Paired with an iPad or iPhone for sampling (over usb) and you are good to go

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M8, polyend tracker, Syntakt, Digitone, Digitakt I have them all on rotate, all ideal for sofa sketching.

M8 is superb for taking way with me when I’m stopping at hotels due to work commitments.

Ipad is unbeatable for me as couch device.
MC101 close second of the ones I own.

OPz and OP1 were both great

I‘d love to try the M8 one time


You may want to check this previous thread, with a couple of particularly helpful posts.

For me, it’s the MC-101. Battery powered, so just add headphones.


I recently bought a Polyend Play for couch jams. It’s early days but so far so good.

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I’ve tried a few things , but always keep coming back to a laptop

MacBook Air + headphones + vcv or bitwig ( grid) , brings a lot of joy.

I’ll admit I miss a keyboard, but it allows me to try to improve sequencing and generative techniques

An iPad would be more portable , but would not let me dip into other realms ( like supercollider)


Polyend Tracker is great but needs a battery pack.

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The M8 looks interesting, but it’s more of a tracker, yeah?

What’s the learning curve like for someone who’s never used a tracker?

I can’t quite grasp the appeal - kinda looks like making music on a spreadsheet!