Berlin suggestions

Wait, Love Parade is back? When did this happen.

Not exactly love parade but related, now that i read things better.

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It might be worth a tour. But concerts are best.

Berlin’s Schneidersladen new webshop is a BIG step up BTW!

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It’s probably a bad time to ask this question, but how’s Berlin these days? Often see talk of ‘not as good as the old days’, but is it still worth spending some decent time in? I ran around for a night one year going to a bunch of clubs, but the thought has struck me to spend some more time there in future.

I guess there is the current situation so no one knows how things will be post Covid 19. What’s the feeling about that in Germany in general?

Genuinely like the idea of just hanging out in the place for a few months, soaking up the local sights and sounds, buying records, once all this virus stuff settles down and international borders open.

Berlin has gotten a lot more commercial than it once was but still a very nice place to hang out. Lots of music, art, parties, design, good food and drinks. And still relatively cheap. I enjoy visiting it. Last time was last summer. I d be happy to stay a couple months for sure.


My wife was born here in Berlin (end 70s). Although Berlin is/was special because of its particular history … many Berliners are actually happy that Berlin is not that hip and trendy anymore. The after the Wall opportunities (there was not only happy partying but also a lot of forgotten violence and poverty…) could not go on forever… but will always be seen as historic events that pushed art and fashion in new territories.

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Bumping this topic. Going to Berlin next month. Searching for electronic music exhibitions and maybe clubs for partying. I know the some places but maybe some of you have some great smaller/new places to recommend?

Thanks in advance!

I visited Schneidersladen’s new showrooms last month and they are fantastic. Loads of modular but also semi-mods, desktop units, keyboards. I posted a report with pictures in the Your Modulars thread not too long ago.


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For clubs, first I’d recommend to check the line-ups on before going to see if you find any artists playing during the time you are there.

The usual line-up of clubs is always interesting to check: Berghain, Tresor, OHM, Renate (Salon Zur Wilden Renate), about:blank, Golden Gate, sometimes Watergate has a nice line-up but it can also be a bit hit-and-miss (the crowd can be a bit meh sometimes); new-ish venues like RSO are also pretty cool.

Hoppetosse/CDV (Club der Visionaere) have a more chill vibe than the darker techno from other clubs, OHM is also more towards a brighter night :slight_smile:

Have fun!


Smaller cool places: Oxi, Zenner, Heideglühen. Depends who’s playing check the timetables or RA


I’d think not less than 30.000 people live in and around Berlin who remember “these gold old days”. They know how to do that and to satisfy a market of additional 50.000+ people in and around Berlin who are on fire to experience the ghost of “these gold old days”. So don’t expect Berlin to be quiet at night. :wink:


Do you have recent intel on Heideglühen? I’ve heard horrible things about their door.

I don’t really understand “the door” mythos, but maybe i’m just old, wear enough makeup and bouncers take pity on my attempted German.

Do people really have problems getting in that aren’t trying to get in when the club is already packed, with packs of “lads” shouting about how the UK “won the war anyway”?

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I never have had a door problem in the past but I’m got rejected twice at the Gluhheiden and once at Berghein with in the last year.

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… which golden times are we talking about?
the golden 20s in berlin? or
the years after the fall of the wall?

just kiddin’


I would say 1990 till 1994. In the late nineties the golden years for Berlin’s subculture were definitely over.

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Oh sure, I’m not “hip” (just a old and respectful music nerd) I’m sure it’d depend on when I’m trying and I wouldn’t expect “every time”.

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