
Also I made it clear lots of times to people who do choose to buy B gear I don’t expect them to share my views at all, it is just my choice.

I think everyone should be able to buy and say what they want as long as it is reasonable, as I know you do and most of the other regulars here do. We can have a laugh and joke about with eachother, which is what makes this forum awesome IMHO. Operation snowflake will not prevail, besides they will all probably be gone soon enough anyway.

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I much prefer each when synth has its own thread

Flagging’s a separate issue




because nobody gets more butt-hurt about you criticizing their gear than Behringer fanboys. it’s kind of fascinating, actually.

or it’s B bots. as you said, I wouldn’t put it past them.


For other gear I agree, but for the (apparently many) people who have no interest in any Behringer gear, AND the amount of products (or proposed products) that Behringer announce, I think it is not unreasonable to keep them all in one place.

Maybe the answer would be to have B own sub forum, which can be muted by those who don’t want to see it. This way all the people who like B gear can discuss it without any criticism of B gear from non B-lievers :joy:

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Ive never seen a Behringer fanboy.


exactly my point. they’re clearly bots.


Yeah, its called Banboy Soul Spirit £99 from Andertons, but no midi CC, cos thats how they roll.


I don’t think it’s Nationality related.


x1000. Posts in general, that have a mildly uncomfortable opinion about anything whatsoever fall victim to this. This is definitely not limited to B versus Elektron, etc.


What’s the issue this thread is trying point out? I’m generally curious and confused.

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I will disagree. not 100%. but maybe about 35%

some flags are not justified.

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that a level of critique on Behr is not tolerated

while critique on everything is fair game

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In this thread, you got to say « I don’t give a Buck ».


youre telling me? I wager im one of the most flagged fuckers on here. and have been banned. I must tread lightly.

so…a yes man I aint.

im rolling the dice right now.

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And there goes the nuance.


or they can Buck right off to their own Buckin Borum. we Ban all B threads entirely and treat it political discussion: instant flag. instant closed thread.

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Wanna talk about french fries instead?
(Dare I say … Brench Bryes?)

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5000 :v:t6: