Behringer Poly D

Thats because paraphonic and polyphonic really are not the same thing. I owned a korg Mono/Poly for a few years. I almost never used it for chords, due to the single envelope. Sort of a good idea on paper, but in use, meh not so much. I did enjoy the round robin effect you’d get if you have say a three note arpeggio spread over 4 differently tuned oscilators, but that is still mono synth behaviour.

Personally I don’t see what all the fuss is about. There are other synths at a similar price that do what they say they will do… polyphony. Although I particularly enjoy the low rate mode of the 3 oscilators… that cant be patched anywhere… hahaha! Making it look like a minimoog is just lame in my opinion, I mean come on, come up with your own ideas Behringer!

Actually I just got it… Para D (who ever he is) Parody… Berhinger Parody, its sort of like a real synth, but funny…


Behringer releases a minimoog with an extra oscillator, sequencer, chorus, and paraphonic ability with the original form factor for a price of $699.


I would not compare this to minilogue, deepmind or A4.
You don‘t buy this just to get a polysynth. You buy this for the model d sound.
I thought most people and sound comparisons agreed that the boog was very very close to the original. And this is the first paraphonic version.
The minilogue is true poly and has more features, but still sounds like a minilogue


The paraphony is a fun extra, but what makes the fourth oscillator really interesting here is that it can be used as a modulation source, both at audio rates and in low frequency mode.


The more I read comments like this the more I wanna get one… Yikes

The 699 price is a total turnoff for me. Minilogue XD does soo much more for the same coin. Pass (luckily), maybe I’ll snatch a cheap mono D at some point instead (for those moments when the coarse parameters of the SE02 cause too much frustration).

Will be interesting to see how well I can use the SE02 as a “preset bank” for the D

I still believe we can make this world a better place. Get Lucky!

The problem with Minilogue XD is that it sounds like a Minilogue XD. Same issue with Analog Four, except it sounds like Analog Four. Vintage analogs sound better.

Yup its true. Uli bought the Design and produces now the Curtis Chips (3340,3310, etc) on masses. Thats why He can hammer Out each month a new Synth. I still Sense a final Missing Touch of Love, Care and passion on each of His products. Where is the Element that lets me Connect with it?


And a Moog always Sounds Like a Moog. What is your Point? It is called character and that is ok. Its a question of Taste and what you want to achieve.

Point is that Moog sounds better than Minilogue or Analog Four.

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Oh, that element is called UBX-A :wink:

Please, stop calling it paraphonic, it is Polyphonic, ok? :unicorn: :joy:

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Fixed that for you :slight_smile:


Yeah, sure. For many people, Minilogue or Analog Four will do nicely.


Ponyphonic… anyone? :racehorse:


Vintage analog sounds different, not better or worse. I have an SE02 already, my Moog fetish keeps satisfied with that one (I have killer patches on it for that funkadelic moog goodness). But if you prefer the moog sound over A4 or minilogue, thats your preference, not an objective truth.

IMO adding a fourth osc and a keybed does not justify a ~2.5 x price, so for me, the price is too steep.

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To be fair, there’s also nice looking wooden enclosure, paraphonic capability, sequencer, distortion and analog chorus effects.

Not sure if this was posted yet, sounds nice to me:

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yeah ok, fair enough. I never use chorus without a hipass filter in the wetpath though so for me that chorus is redundant, and the sequencer seems quite limited… But as they are added features, I guess one must include that stuff in the costs.

Ok, I’ll rephrase - the price is too much for me, considering what is onboard and what my personal needs are. Better?

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It depends, its Not a general rule.