Behringer Plans 40 Eurorack Modules In The Next 2 Years, Priced at $49-99

FYI some of these very same companies actually use Cool Audio chips, whom are owned by Behringer, so you also own Behringer gear too lol.

Yes I know, even Elektron I think use some cool audio chips in the analog range.

yeah its quite comical to watch some of these anti-Behringer rants, when those very same people use gear that without behringer parts may not exist :slight_smile:

So if you are referring to the Behringer remake of the Curtis 3340 VCO chip there was controversy around that as well of course. (Old article so you may well have read this before.)

Of course there are alternatives to Cool Audio / Behringer’ s version too, as for instance Curtis. Texas Instruments makes something similar as well as others.


Richard James eventually found the System 100M ‘limiting’ so I’ll pass :joy:

Wow Richard James the guy that invented the Slinky!


Slinkys’ makes an fun wierd spring reverbs btw.



He too found sound within a limited amount of source/modulation.
But at least it was only the single patch cable.

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REALLY pumped to be launching a filter and a dual LFO into this enviornment. Ugh.
It takes a small company an incredible amount of time and labor to get something even as simple as those modules I mentioned out into the world…
Then it seems like Behringer just shows up and throws the bargain basement version into the market and we’re left with our… cables in our hands hoping to at least break even.

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I have to agree with you about the cost… last kit I borked was a swt16 :rofl: . In this case this is a net loss :sob:

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Aen – Are you Dwarfcraft Devices ?

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well, me and a few other people, yeah :wink:


This market has a lot of similarities to another hobby popular with middle aged men with beards (also me). If you look at the mountain bike market, it’s fully of small boutique brands offering everything from custom built frames to more unique design innovations. Every time one of these smaller brands makes a bike that starts selling a few units, the big brands come in and pretty much copy it and start shifting it at a lower price in mass market quantities. Despite this, the smaller brands are, on the whole, thriving due in no small part to their positive engagement with their customers (often through very similar forums to this) and the loyal community of bikers who value quality and good service over price.
I feel for you guys that are worried about the big B entering the market but they’re gonna have a really tough job competing with companies already established and trusted within the community, especially when a lot of Behringer’s engagement with the community involves shit talking and threatening legal action.


Threads these days… :upside_down_face:

I’m off to Choachella with my Berhinger rig to do a renegade show for the hipsters… :wink:
Hopefully I’ll feel productive and have fun… :rofl:


You need a couple of Erica Techno Systems, stat.

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Well, what you’re saying is not wrong. My (very) specific problem is that nobody gives a shit about our modules to begin with, HA!

But at this point we’re kind of too deep in to NOT release 'em at some point.

you really sound like a thread elitist

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but calls the sh101 his favorite synth :thinking:

To be fair, that’s just the sort of deliberately contradictory shit that RDJ would come out with.

Limitations breed ideas, all those wires, nothing (!).
I love the 202 but had to sell.

We sell so much that does so much we only want when we’ve sold the the things that do the things that do so much.

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