Behringer Plans 40 Eurorack Modules In The Next 2 Years, Priced at $49-99

Cheap Eurorack for everyone!

Now where’s my Techno System for $499??? :smiley:


well there goes the neighborhood


Oh damn I’d bite. I wonder what sort of effect this’ll have on the euro community though. It’ll be way more accessible but surely it’s gonna be a right wounder for small manufacturers when cheapo modules start taking over. Good for us, not so much for them


I understand that these small manufacturers produce limited quantities and in order to make profit they need to have high prices. In some cases these prices are not sensible at all though, they are charging $700 and more for a pcb and a few knobs!

It makes me wonder, if these manufacturers offered lets say 50% reduced prices, wouldn’t there be a at least 50% increase in sales, leading to more profit?

The small manufactures are producing and developing very special modules - i cannot imagine Behringer can do some module like Mutable etc.


what profit?


They targeting more companies like Doepfer, and of course with this kind of system Roland

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Yeah hopefully it leads to the end of outrageous asking prices. Wouldn’t like to see behringer take a monopoly on eurorack if it ends up being a demotivator for small innovators though. That being said, people who are gonna do it are gonna do it regardless. A larger audience for modular will probably even lead to significantly more manufacturers in coming years. I’d hazard a guess that the crowd using the really expensive modules have a lot of crossover with the crowd that say everything behringer is shit and will continue to buy said modules. Ramble over anyway… keeping my eye on this

Are you saying that they are not making any profit at all? So it’s just a hobby to them?

I wonder if B will include some of M.I’s open source algos in the new modules? Will they do a Make Noise Maths clone?

The Behringer Algebra envelope generator​:ok_hand: :man_shrugging:. They are probably working on it as we speak.

I’m gleaning from your post that it’s better to steal (cracked vst), than to support Behringer. I think that’s some really flawed logic.
Behringer is an option for musicians that are “poor”, that is the whole point of what uli says he’s doing currently. Affordable gear for everyone.


Yeah that’s what I was saying, people who use the fancier stuff will probably continue to. I’ve never actually put expensive next to cheap gear and done the comparisons myself. I think it’s wasteful to always compare a and b. If it sounds good I’m happy

you prob got flagged for talking cracked vsts by the way, highly frowned upon here

for many, yes. For others, it’s a lifestyle business. Whatever you earn, you invest back into developing your next model. That you probably will sell less than 100 units. The two most successful manufacturers in Euro (in terms of sales, that is) - Makenoise and Mutable - are still microenterprises with the owners tinkering in the same room with everybody else. Most of the brands are just one or two guys. These will take a hardest hit by this and some will probably close their shop and move on.


Gotcha. It is indeed tough for these companies, as is the world we live in. Competition is fierce.

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I don’t think Behringer euro would affect the market like that. People who are into modular are likely not going to be into what Behringer is going to offer at that price point. Mutable and make noise don’t survive selling cheaper utility modules. And I doubt there’s a 99$ Behringer clouds or rainmaker down the line.
Ultimately there is already a source for less expensive and rather decent modules, doepfer. That’s who I think gets the most competition from Behringer in this situation.
Ultimately like most Behringer gear, this will be someone’s stepping stone into modular, which hopefully brings business to the diy companies as those people introduced to modular through Behringer expand their systems.


A contrarian take on this – assuming more people get a modular because the cost of entry is reduced niche makers, which is a large portion of the current modular makers, benefit from an enlarged base market and increased sales volume. They already need to be clever defining a niche and competing to be successful – having Behringer making bread and butter fundamental units, won’t be too difficult to side-step. The makers that will have to make the largest competitive manuevers will be the companies that already are in the fundamental bread and butter modular market, like Doepfer. But there too there is no magic to quality and low price manufacture, that market doesn’t need to be exclusive to Behringer. In fact Doepfer’s long-term experience, and reputation would give them a certain advantage should they decide to hold their territory and compete head-to-head with Behringer.


MODULARGrid has a display of the line of Behringer modules on their web-site.

Start here and click the forward arrow to see the set:

ADDED: The combination modules, #132 Dual 4 channel mixer, with CV Generator and #150 Ring mod/Noise/ Sample and Hold/LFO look nice to me.


I’m down with this. I doubt they’d got after the more development heavy / esoteric modules, but I’d happy buy something like a Behringer eurorack mixer module or other utility modules

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Funny that you’d say that simultaneous with me picking out those two to add to my post!