Behringer Plans 40 Eurorack Modules In The Next 2 Years, Priced at $49-99

That’s so stupid ! Doepfer has great modules at good prices. The filters collection alone is insane.


let’s hope they do DIY kits for 30 backspace that… 15 a piece!

Has Behringer ever done a DIY kit before?

Because, given my understanding, that doesn’t sound like Behringer

very unlikely… diy at scale is a support nightmare.


Well in a backhand sort of way. When stuff is inexpensive enough, the hackstreet community that companies like Behringer are purportedly destroying step in and hack that stuff for a new function.

What comes to mind immediately is the Zaquencer .

As has already been mentioned earlier on this forum, the Behringer Eurorack gear will no doubt get the same treatment.

Somehow you can’t suppress crazy creative people.

ADDED: I don’t think Uli objects to this happening at all.


Not for me, I only buy Moog semi modulars. It was a little ironic, like who cares what B does, take it or leave it.

Edit: Being against B - although I do understand the dislike - is just a total waste of energy. Better be pro something else. Good waves.
Now, back to the flu…


I think that’s the nicest thing I’ve read someone write about him :smiley:

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Yeah he’s a lovable @#%$ bastard! That’s something we can all emulate.

ADDED: It just occurs to me Uli comes from the same stock as a hacker, he just does it at a different scale. And a scale above that was Steve Jobs. (And Bill Gates too – all lovable bastards.) … Elon Musk ,

I was gonna suggest someone should clone Uli but on second thoughts one is enough.


Your sarcasm detector needs tuning, man!

i read a lot of bizarre criticism within behringer threads… its hard to filter jokes/sarcasm / actual bizzare reactions .
commenting on the types of screw just didnt register as something that would be a joke in this type of thread.

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That’s nuts man. I hope the scene improves out there.

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What comes to mind immediately is the Zaquencer

which is funny because the BCR2000/BCN44 controllers were pretty good products to start with


Malekko actually no longer makes the 500 series. Manufacturing of those units went back to Japan in the middle of last year.

Super weird. In Detroit I’m embarrassed to take out any of my euro because its so fancy. In Detroit if you’re not playing a DX21 and a Korg ER-1 through a busted Mackie mixer it’s bullshit, man. There’s exceptions clearly - Ectomorph rocks plenty of pricey gear for example.


On any site, on any thread, the very mention of the B word sends everyone into a frenzy of emotion / panic…? And the chatter is always loud and always going round in circles…but you all fall for it. And you all keep the chatter going…like i am ATM…

You are all playing right into the plan…and are all being played like fiddles…this is a business model and its formula can be found in any industry.

Behringer are exersising low cost market disruption.

It might be this simple to B…

One reason many consumers of electronic music gear did not buy a deepmind in 2018 is that they spent thier $$$ on euro…so to disrupt the balance by releasing cheap euro as a loss leader to draw attention back to brand and also consumers now have coin left over for a poly synth…they save on euro so can consider other purchases.

Its $1.00 bread or milk at the big supermarket chains but in synth land. Sure it hurts farmers. Sure it gets you into the spermarket…and sure while you are there you will grab a couple of other things. Especially since you just saved money on bread and milk…?

No point crying over spilt milk especially since its only a dollar…and no point talking about B…if they didnt fill that slot in the market someone else would.

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What about the development of the new modules? Has it also shipped to Japan?

As someone who is looking into nabbing a Pittsburgh Modular lifeforms module, I’m afraid of encountering said elitism, I enjoy things that make sound and I dont care how cheap it is or if its considered a toy, I’ll use it. So I’m definitely going to be jumping into this opportunity from behringer.

How small does a company have to be so that it is not frowned upon for cloning a device?