Behringer Eurorack Modular

Anyone who doesn’t put all their available resources and time into successfully cloning an ER-301 isn’t a TRUE modular synth head… it’s a rite of passage in Eurorack and everyone knows this.


There’s a big difference between copying products that have been out of production for decades and trying to copy something that is currently/recently in production. For the old stuff, patents and trademarks have been long expired. Those are the products Behringer have been targeting.


Something like Maths is different because none of those are in production anymore and the source code is open source.

I might have some facts wrong but this is like literally the only thing I kind of know about euro rack haha.

not sure if I understood you correctly, but Maths is still in production and not open source. It‘s completely analog as far as I know

I think there is some digital because it has digital functions. Definitely still for sale multiple places online, so I assume it’s in production. Eurorack is an expensive proposition, I did not realize that this little module costs US $300 by itself.

yeah it’s crazy expensive that‘s why I got out of it. You have to be willing to spend a considerable amount of money for even just a small system
and once you are in, you always want more to „optimize“ your system

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that’s why I bought myself a 3D printer…
left Module is a dual vactrol based low pass gate, the middle one is a square/triangle LFO with independent sync inputs and one of those Arduino sensors with trig in and out acting like a random gate LFO, the make noise blind panel has now the ability to stream Bluetooth audio into the rack, based on a Logitech BT Adapter that I’ve found on the street.
…an ISD1820 dual sampling module with variable pitch range and inputs for rec, play and audio feed thru…needs some refinements
that’s Eurorack for me



can’t wait what they’ll release tomorrow


:rofl: oh god, Boog Bystem Bifty Bive.



Wow this is an absolute deluge of modules, intense! Anyone wearing headphones be careful watching that video, he sweeps the filter with serious resonance.


That filter sweep got me too.


Behringer just dropped a new set of Modular…based on System 55 from Moog.

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Oh my Gebus,
it will be a behringer this year. behringer just won the namm :sunglasses:

Oops, I just noticed that Behringer doesn’t even take part in the Namm, they just won :nerd_face:

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it feels like one should be making batch orders as soon as those things arrive in stores. Those factories will be running red hot if they want to meet demand.

Good to get people into the format. But good god these all sound bland

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even though i have zero doubt that other manufacturers will still create extremely inspiring and crazy modules i must admit that it feels so right to finally have affordable basic and compact CV-utilities for reasonable prices…


Those are cool!


I thought the System 100 sound demo sounded real fat and juicy, there wasn’t really enough demo of the Moog clones for me to tell how they sounded. Youtube is crap though, just to keep in mind, listening to my Karp in real life versus listening to the Youtube demos is like hearing a different instrument. I’ll scoop some of the 100m modules for sure but the Moog stuff isn’t as cool imo.


I think a mixture of Behringer 100 and 55 modules with couple of west coast inspired boutique modules would fill a Behringer Go 140x2HP case nicely and not be too expensive either.