Bastl Softpop 2


I don’t use Ableton, and I don’t have a Softpop (yet) but I’ll try to help.

Do you already have your Minilogue successfully controlling things in Ableton?
If so, did you make sure your Softpop is listening to the right MIDI channel that you want to control it with?

From the reference manual:
“Softpop can receive a MIDI clock to sync the sequencer. Hold the MIDI button and press one of the GATES to set the input channel. Press the selected channel again to select channels 9-16, and the light indication will invert.” pg.38

You could maybe try Minilogue’s MIDI OUT into your Softpop directly too to confirm you could at least control it that way.

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Yes, this way it worked! Thanks a lot! I guess I won’t go to bed tonight . So exciting!

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I tried to create some crunchy, percussive noise for drums. I obviously overdid it so people can hear. I am really loving my SP2 and I think it will only be more fun as I keep learning how to use it properly.


Awesome, I’m glad!
Looks like you’re really getting to dig in. I’ve been reading more about it and I’ve got one on the way myself.

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Great! This is my first semi-modular so all I am doing right now is trying to understand how it works, how I can control it and create unique sounds. I made an analog bass sound and it was the most powerful bass I’ve ever heard to be honest. Just beautiful! I really like the sequencing too. Very easy and creative.

Lately I am trying to understand these patches and how they work.


Another successful day! I was able to use the MIDI out from the audio interface. And Softpop 2 played the midi notes on my MPC Software!! Notice the MIDI led is on.


I was trying to get some synth bass out of it. I think I am figuring it out…


Little bit of synth goofin’. The H2n has its general compressor enabled.


Man. Some of these patches are incredible sounding. Awesome stuff.

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Thank you and congrats on yours! I still need to understand what I am doing lol. But I will get there.

Recorded right after the previous one. This time less bass more synth…

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