Arturia teaser for October 18th

I haven’t seen any news on here about this yet.


I’m personally hoping for a “super freak”.


Polybrute 12
Spark 3 a real hardware drum synth

Rendezvous in english means MatrixFreak.


I’m interested in seeing what they announce. I really love my Polybrute - it was made with so much care.


Darn it. I’m hooked on speculation.

The title of the stream is like a double entendre(which when translated to English is “matrixfreak”, but I think that’s just a coincidence)

Rendezvous is a meeting of two things- which is obviously Arturia connecting with their fans and a meeting of X and Y soundwise.

Off the bat, it sounds like a hybrid synth. A meeting of analog and digital.

Or it could be a meeting of synthesis and percussion.

Or it could be their meeting of their software and hardware.

But arturia is a French company, so it could be something wildly out of left field, like the meeting of a loaf of bread and analog synthesis. The first loaf of bread synthesis


What could it be… another software or midi controller device?

This is reminiscent of the Novation teaser letdown that was just an 88 key controller.

Anyway, I’ve got my fingers and toes crossed for a hardware version of Pigments.


I don’t think hardware versions of VSTs are a successful business model. Despite the massive benefit of a tactile workflow, too many people would be like “why am I gonna spend 700+ on a synth, when I can pay a fraction of that on the VST?”

But I agree, there’s a significant lack of hype in this teaser-it reminds me of poker and trying to limit the size of the stack

I meant more in concept than a direct replica, and I think ‘PolyFreak’ would be along the right lines… just that they have all the code done in Pigments already that I think is superb.
So, a VA, wavetable, sample engine with granular with matrixbrute style mod options would be amazing.

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Quite sure they will release the long awaited MIDI Control Center that allows comfortable sorting and grouping of the patches on Microfreak.
That would be a great event indeed worth celebrating and fireworks. :wink:

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Okay…given other peoples input.

I think its a combo between their minifuse interface and a simple keylab interface providing an affordable interface with audio connections.

Even if its not that, I still think it would be an awesome idea that I don’t know why this hasn’t been done earlier

This is what killed the K-Station synth for Novation. The V station plugin nailed the sound so people bought the plugin instead. Even though learning synthesis through a tactile interface is a better experience for users

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It’s a partnership with Zoom. They’re introducing a new version of the MicroFreak with the MS-70CDR pedal built in.


Polybrute becomes a hybrid analog/va running pigments. Yes pls.

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Yeah, I’m thinking some USB-MIDI only derivative controller.

The Insta ad appears to feature… Thom Yorke?
Also whatever it is has a mechanical keybed but also looks to maybe have the Freak key contact surface…. Hmm!


So like a MatrixFreak then? :slight_smile:



Might not have the matrix. Could be a FreakBrute