Arturia OB-XA-V [was Polybrute]

On Tuesday 19th May at 6PM (CEST), Arturia will announce the launch of a brand new product, worldwide.

To be part of the release, join us for a special livestream hosted by our product experts Baptiste and Pierre and discover our latest instrument!
Hear it in action and ask our dedicated team questions during the Q&A session at the end.
Set up your alarm and get ready to jump!

You heard it first here baby!! Its the Polybrute that has already been out in the field to various sound designer’s


Well I can safely say that it’s going to kick ass and sound fantastic. Very excited to learn more.

Interesting, I didn’t know about this.

Do we know any specs?

Also, here is the livestream link, it should be included in the OP

I wonder if it is this thing?

I bet it is.


If it’s based on the same engine, that would explain why we got a fairly significant Matrixbrute firmware update recently…

So do you know are they actually calling it the Polybrute ? Or is this just a tag you have for now. (If so it’s a good tag.)

ADDED: For US readers – 6 PM CEST is 12 noon ET.

There is something else apart from Polybrute cool coming too, you heard it first here baby :slight_smile:

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I take it you’re under an NDA .


A good chance it is. Some sort of polybrute/ matrix of some kind.

So maybe Dani538, that last post i made in your thread and the other toward the end apply to what that other thing is, and you can change your title and make it plural.


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Is there still arturia hardware on the way, or do you think it’s just the OB-XA?

Has anyone got a link to the stream?. It won’t open from the website on my iPad and cat seem to find it on YouTube

@vegeta897 posted the link

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Many thanks, I missed that!

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I was hoping for a new hardware synth but hey ho, it sounds good.

So will the OP change the title on this thread ? Or does he know something else and will just choose to wait for the real announcement ?

This one was pretty much a dud !

Yes. « How to start a fake news »


Nailed it :joy:

No soup for you.

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LOL kind of anticlimax for those who were looking forward to a new hardware announcement… :rofl: