Arranger Tips

I looked at this again. While I have no workaround for the above (Having arranger mode wait for input after re-entering), I think I now understand that the Arranger-chaining function is meant for what I want.
A limitation is that only one chain-jump can be scheduled at any given moment and doing that involves going into menus (yikes). And there are only eight slots of course.

Once scheduled, a selectable row appears at the bottom, when you select it and hit YES it will execute. So my apprach is to first insert a loop-row at the end to avoid accidental stopping upon the arrangement reaching itā€™s end. This way, the ā€œchaining/jumpingā€ becomes optional and you can trigger it in a deferred way whenever you want.

This way the arranger to me is not merely a song mode, but more of a notebook or route-map which helps me remembering possible places to go. I mean otherwise, how the heck are you going to memorize which patterns are relevant out of the 256 patterns? Arrangements can also be named. I donā€™t enjoy entering text on the OT, but itā€™s probably worth doing.

In hindsight I wish there was a quicker way to schedule the ā€œsongsā€, I mean with a single button press, like the regular chaining .

Upon reflection I realise that this not too different from what I thought of doing before after all, which is creating independent sections withing a single song, using ā€œloopā€-rows as boundaries. This way even saves you from visiting the menu. The inevitable forced jump when re-entering arranger mode is the real annoyance after all.


I think Iā€™d stay in Arranger mode to play a looped pattern. Instead of Loop Row, you can increase Repeat (64) and Length (512) :
Repeat 64 x 512 = 32 768 steps = 2048 bars.
1h8m at 120 bpm.

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@sezare56 As I understand, you suggest to crank up the lengths of one or many rows and generally remain in arranger mode? That seems to work indeed.
When I tried that, I noticed that after jumping to a different pattern, the chain length becomes the pattern duration length. I guess that is fine. However I normally set the chain length really short (4 steps), which allows for cool rhythmic variation by jumping around alot. But it still seems like a fair trade off I guess.

Itā€™s just a little trick for single looped patterns, to avoid to make a Loop row. I think Iā€™d use this instead of leaving Arranger mode.

Heavely using the arranger at the moment. and switching back and forth to pattern and arranger edit mode a lot. Is there a fast button combo to switch from pattern mode to arranger edit mode? Now i have to [FUNC]+[arranger] then [FUNC]+[edit] then when on EDIT press [enter]. Back to pattern mode is just [FUNC]+[arranger]. (Mk1)


Buy an MKII! :pl:
Not sure itā€™s faster.
On MKI, if you hold Func and press Pattern / Bank / Yes itā€™s pretty fast.
I donā€™t know direct shortcut.

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Think not: first save money, second go to shop (or order online) third transfer flash card from mk1 to mkIIā€¦ in the mean time iā€™ve allready finished this track with mkI querks :slight_smile:

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Holding FUNC is lot faster than pressing and releasing it with each combo! Now practising and put this in my muscle memoryā€¦


I have to too! It was annoying me a bit. Thanks for asking! :content:
You have to release and press Func again to exit Arranger but in practice it doesnā€™t seem a problem.

Thanks for your genius insights :+1:

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New experience:

Often when i just start with a pattern and make that one pattern great, itā€™s harder to make a longer ā€˜compositionā€™ - i got ā€˜lockedā€™ in that pattern.

So i thought lets start with some short and simple patterns that by themselves are not that interesting and use the arranger to connect them to longer, interesting, phrases and go from there. This forces me to think more from a composition standpoint and the arranger is good use for this! (and some paper and pencil).


Forbidden. REM row only. :pl:


That would be my next step to enlightment :grin:

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In the Arranger Editor, itā€™s possible to enter more characters to a REM row than the display is able to show when you go back to Arrangement Mode to play your arrangment.

Probaply a good idea to keep that in my mind when editing REM rows.

2020 : write a novel in the REM row. :content:


It is the best machine, it is the worst machineā€¦


Love the REM slots - super handy! My mate keeps notes of our set on an iPadā€¦which is fine until he forgets it!

You can always use more than one row of notes so you can still read them once the editors closed.

Hi there, just digging into the Arranger, and it possibly solves most of the things I hate on this machine.
I am planning to use it mainly as a setlist, only triggering the next part manually.

Is there a way to make a pattern play endlessly without setting another row that defines a loop ?
I want more or less every row in the arranger to play endlessly until I switch to the next pattern, so it wastes a lot of rows.

I think in your case I would make a habit of going in and out of the arranger. It keeps the place when you go back in.

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Didnā€™t think of that. Will try, thanks !
(So you confirm thereā€™s no hidden ā€œINFā€ setting for the Length column ?)