Arpeggiator Tutorial

The OT, in its default mode, as well as playing samples, can have its functions controlled by MIDI note messages. The accepted note range for sample playing and the list of other functions are given in Appendix C of the manual. You need to look at that appendix and ensure that you only send the appropriate range of note values.

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@PeterHanes @Schnork I only have one track set to receive midi. Track 6, to send the midi and receive it, so I can use the arpeggiator. I set the root note to C5 and placed a trig at the start of the sequence.

@Schnork @PeterHanes the note Iā€™m putting at the front of the sequence to activate the arpeggiator should be a SAMPLE TRIG (octave 4) or a MIDI TRCK TRIG (OCTAVE 5)?

When I use a G4 as my root note for example everything seems fine. A few above that too, If I use a D4, it doesnā€™t trigger it. Shouldnā€™t it trigger since itā€™s in the 4th octave?

Using C5 for me was making the tracks change on their own.

Just trying to figure out the logicā€¦

The logic is to play notes C5 - C7 note range only.

Apparently your notes are transposed or wrong. Check Arp page Transpose parameter.

(Shouldnā€™t work with G4, should work with C5)


Yea it only worked with G4 temporarily, then failed. Definitely does not work with C5. Transpose is a 0 in the arp page. Is there somewhere else where I could have changed a setting? Just tried G5, works at first, but when I adjust the oct range parameter or the midi arp setup notes, it happens again. automatically starts jumping from track to track.

According to the chart something has to be triggering G#4 ACTIVE TRACK UP or A4 ACTIVE TRACK DOWN

FUK, I think I get it. ALL NOTES must be in the C5-C7, not just the trigger note. So if you use C5, you can only go up. Your MODE couldnā€™t be set to down. Octave range could only be 2. Or if youā€™re adjusting notes in the the MIDI ARP PAGE, you also can only go up within 2 octaves.

If I had C6 as the root I would have an octave below and above, could use cycle mode for example with octave range of 1ā€¦?

Getting closer ! :content:
I usually use C5 as root note, random mode, octave range 1, 2 or eventually more (notes not played on octave ranges above 2, kind of probability thing).
I didnā€™t experience lower octaves range with any mode, surprising. From manual, octave up only.
Did you also set Arp Setup with negative notes?
No need to set it at first.

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hey guys!
maybe I am missing something: Iā€™d like to play the base notes of the arp live on a keys plugged into the OT for some part. but the arp is only running, when I am actually on this midi track on OT. as soon as I am on another track the synth is still played, but not the arp. googled, looked into the manual - didnā€™t find anythingā€¦ is there a way to keep the arp active on a track and play it externally when not acutally selecting this track?

Try (arp) midi trackā€™s channel (not Auto Channel).

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hi, thanks for the response. I am actually doing this: auto channel is off, audio tracks have no midi channel associated. in my particular setup: arp is active on midi t2, associated with ch8. whith my ext keys set to ch8 I can play the arp (when t2 is selected on OT). if I now select midi t1, associated with ch4, I can still play the t2/ch8 synth with my ext keys on ch8, but the arp isnā€™t working any longer. but lfoā€™s are still active on ch8ā€¦

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So if you want to control Arp with external midi it works with active track only. I donā€™t see workarounds (maybe lfo on notes). Wasnā€™t sure.

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hmm ok, hoped I did something wrong :-/ thatā€™s unfortunate and a bit weird behaviourā€¦

I wish it could be the only oneā€¦

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:smile: yeah so Iā€™ve gatheredā€¦ thanks anyway!

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For people interested in the weird arp behaviour: The guy from elektron support seems to think it weird as well, his feedback:

Thanks for the report!

I can reproduce this and have forwarded the information to our developers. They will look into this soon and hopefully we can have a fix ready for the next OS update.

Fingers crossedā€¦