Are Two Too Much?

I have two Analog Heat (m2 and AH+FX). What can you do with two Analog Heat?

I am not interested in parting with any of them. I also have Analog Rytm 2 and Analog Four 2.

I am grateful for suggestions and ideas how to use all four machines together. With or without DAW


Make a track called Analog BBQ.


No input shizzle but with added delay… delay… delay… d… e… l…a…y


Sample external sources through the +FX into the Rytm.


I don’t think you’re alone. I definitely remember someone else on here scooping up mk1’s when they were popping up for $400(ish). he had at least two. having a mk2 and a +FX makes more sense than two mk1’s.

what to do with them? you tell us! go use 'em and report back with your results :+1:


I would use the AH+FX as an end of chain Mastering tool and the AH 2 to process specific sounds in a Track.

You can also use both to process specific sounds with all the goodies the AH+FX provides.

I reckon that with an hybrid setup, having 2 AH is easier if you use them as plugins.


It really depends on what you’re trying to do and what kind of music you make. Maybe post some examples of your influences, past music you’ve made, other art that inspires you, etc.

Otherwise this is just going to be a guessing thread. Not sure how productive that can be.

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Kluster, early Klaus Schulze and Regis

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GASing person asking to GASing people if it’s ok to GAS :joy:

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Just one big chain: A4 -> AH -> Rytm -> +FX

Beautiful saturation, and buttery LP filter sweeps on the A4.
Mastering and messing with delays, bit-crushing etc. on the full mix.

You could do a gig with just that setup.


A simple but brilliant solution. Can be used as you say without DAW (live) or AHFX connected (via Overbridge) to, for example, Ableton for recording. Thanks

interesting idea, thanks

With all those Heats, your tracks are going to be Well Done!


I have one heat, and I was concerned going in that to have only one plugin instance of overbridge would be confining. When you buy a plugin, you typically want to know the economy of it in terms of CPU budget and what it would cost you out of pocket to make two or more instances of it in hardware.

So far, either one iso or one submix (or just the instruments and not the vocals) has found the right amount of heat.

Sometimes you don’t want chipotle or smoked paprika or more char on everything. Sometimes it’s simply the wrong flavor. I do get your point about putting your mix through some actual circuitry.

And, yes, if you used it as a channel strip, you might want more than one. I’m tempted myself.

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Sometimes it’s good to have limitations when creating, I can lose focus with too many choices. I have two analog heats because I wanted FX and couldn’t bring myself to sell my old one. Yes overbridge is a good solution and I have often used it together with Ableton Live but mostly on the master channel

…too many good reasons for the luxury of having two in use…

one can become ur hardwired analogsumming/glue/boost device for all ur master treatments (ur classic one), while the other can go free radical on anything else (ur +fx one)…

only three of them would be too much…

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I have two too. But you can just use one it for multi bus compression.

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yes, I’m thinking of running my Streichfett and Microbrute through AH FX. Analog 4 and Rytm already have good effects - using FX on them feels like cake on top of cake