Are there any other noteworthy synth forums?

I’ve enjoyed both a lot, simply because it’s such a silly thing to argue on and because despite rising tensions, both threads have stayed quite civil.


me too.

I totally agree! Peace of mind is more important than overheated discussions. It always amazes me that even the biggest ***holes get the best support one can get on the internet …and then they leave because they can’t get over the fact of how much love they’re getting :sweat_smile:

I found lines a nice place but not very interesting for me personally.
I exaggerate now but I felt I mainly found topics about eurorack with Mannequins modules and Norns and Monome stuff.

The OP forum is also nice, but I sold my TE stuff…

The audiobus forum is very nice, if you’re into Ios music making.


Bro, did you even turn timestretch off?


Somewhat agree. In all truth Nauts suits me more as I know about Elektron gear. I’d like to participate on lines more, it just kindve frightens me. I think on lines you’re best just talking about tech. Wade too deep into the murky intellectual depths and you’ll quickly find out you’re in over your head

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Muffwiggler used to be great until about 6/7 years ago, once Eurorack became mainstream there was a huge influx of new users and I think the community spirit got a bit diluted and fragmented.

I think this forum has a good balance, not too big and not too small “the goldilocks zone” if you will.
To outsiders it is often dismissed as a bunch of “fanboys” but that is their loss. A lot of regulars on here are respectful even in disagreement and I think that is key to why most of the time things don’t get out of control, and the mods are pretty good and balanced too.


I came for help with DT and OT, stayed because it’s friendly and filled with extremely knowledgeable people willing to educate others.


Yes, I like the audiobus forum, too.
Very nice people / vibe there and a lot of developers there, too.


KVR and Gearspace

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first rule of Elektronauts, is your do not talk about OT converters or Digitakt song mode


And I guess the question relates to synth forums with english language?

It’s always in reverse. Maybe that’s where I’m doing it all wrong.

Let’s name a thread, why this forum is better than others.

I start: The „Hydrasynth“ and „Hydrasynth tips n Tricks“ threads.

And total chaos.


I am only here, because I like the pictures of your Boutique collection. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I like Modwigglers. There’s good info there I just stay away from the off-topic, flamewars for the most part. It’s not very interesting flaming. And the moderators aren’t the most helpful moderators I’ve ever seen.

Gearspace was nice to have in the beginning, but I’d much rather ask questions elsewhere now.

I have tremendous love for Lines. It reminds me more of a university seminar than a safe space for hot-takes. I don’t post much because there are so many more knowledgeable, insightful and generous people than me. But there is a wealth of info there, and not just on Monome/Mannequins. I think newcomers will come into Lines expecting the usual forum dynamic only to be met with “gentle slaps” (I’ve seen it happen here too). Forums are not democratic spaces. I appreciate that Lines (and Elektronauts, to a lesser degree) keep a tight rein on the quality and type of discourse that happens there. Their space, their rules.

I hang out in Lines and Elektronuats all day. :black_heart:


Mine too. Absolutely. Even if they were nice (big if ;)), they were definitely off-topic enough.

That is so true.
I’m also a reddit user and this place is like fluffy white clouds against a blue sky compared to the cesspool reddit can be sometimes.


Well no.
I’m multilingual English-Dutch-French-German.