AR Analog Rytm feature request thread

don’t worry maybe they’ll come with a silver one soon



with another price increase.

AR Behind DT ?
cheaper boxes apparently outperforms their flagships ?

For what it’s worth, you can p lock the delay time on the AR which you still can’t do unless you faff about with midi cables and multiple cc’s etc although the results are not particularly useful or worth writing home about tbh.

Would love higher resolution scrolling on the sample start and end points as it would allow for better use of sample chains.

And gain view in the compressor section. Although I do think it’s best to compres with ears, not eyes, some indication would be useful for knowing how hard you’re hitting the compressor

I’m fine with the AR as it is. I don’t have any feature request.

Good job Elektron!


one of my favorite features of rytm!
you can p-lock any fx param very quickly, you can put fill trigs to alter the delay/reverb/compressor/drive to create quick alternative without scenes/perfs, you can use slides to rhythmically alter the fx, gently or aggressively, something like reverb decay, or delay filter movements, it’s so easy compared to DN, I would love to have fx track and slides on the DN…

I wouldn’t mind a few realistic improvements like one more LFO per track, gentle BW filter for the samples, gain reduction meter for the compressor, additional play modes for the samples (pingpong loop would be really nice to have), and a few bug fixes, but if they won’t come I’ll still be happy with my rytm, this machine is amazing and the sounds it can create, oooof…


Oh good for you, very happy you made a great ditty with your AR. Elektron must love customers that don’t push them to do better with their AR updates. :laughing:

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I’m convinced you know that more features does not mean better AR update :slight_smile:


And that Elektron master what make a product sell well !
Look at the diff between AR<=>ST quite different product, and AR<=>DT.
And today I’m really happy with what I have so far on AR :slight_smile:

la cucaracha…?

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yeah - all focus went onto making stainless steel cases for the 25th anniversary

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Would that not mean limiting additional voices available if a polyphony option was given (I imagine polyphony could only reach 4 voices)?

The output bug on their flagship kind of fucks the point of getting the AR II for the outs which aren’t available on the 'takts

What is the output bug?

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Oh. Is this an Overbridge issue? I don’t use OB

Hopefully it will be fixed. Along with some others. The Rytm does weird things sometimes

On specific tracks, sometimes the sample selection menu will self activate, kinda weird. It just started happening a month ago. The samples don’t change but it’s kind of unnerving and definitely not functioning as intended. So, can I get an OS update to fix this bug?

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my rytm is off my desk now in favour of mc202 - deffo no polyphony but then again none needed without single awesome voice

Are you sure sampler monitoring is off? (It was the problem when it happened to me)

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