AR Analog Rytm feature request thread

that’s a good idea, it still requires some sort of a setting for length vs end, but yeah it could be a solution!

Live quantize for retrigs would be nice to correct sloppy timing.


Thats a good solution

unless I’m misunderstanding your comment, it’s already implemented

Sorry i’m a bit late .

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a lot to catch up here :slight_smile:

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Thanks i know there was new machine but missed euclidean .

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What about the delay? A finer and not timed option would be great, no?


How many requests can we send to elektron before we’re sent to spam folder?

I imagine CTL-AL has been requested a thousand times,
but if we cant’ have it, can we request it just CTL-AL for track volume level?

Seriously, how do you mix 12 tracks with only one volume control?
So often I just want to “lower all other tracks’ volume” since there’s no more headroom for the current track to go louder.


I’d love see an option to control the LEN parameter in the euclidean page with MIDI.

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Once again
. A second filter like the digitakt
. A mixer view


I have some ideas for a future update:

Page Init Revert
Redacted - this is already available with the CLEAR command (PAGE+PLAY).

Says it all really - FUNC+Knob to affect every track relative parameter in the same way, like on the Digis. FUNC+NO to reload the Kit, similar to how the Machinedrum’s Control-All works.

Snap LFO > Tune values to Pad Scale
For generation of controlled melodic content, it would be awesome if it were possible for the LFO > Tune parameter to only hit notes according to the Pad Scale chosen, ie C Minor Pentatonic. I expect this isn’t possible, but one can dream.

Setting to choose default starting LFO Settings
Would love to be able to choose the default starting state of a track’s LFO. I’d like for example to have the Exponential Wave and One-Shot Mod as the defaults, as well as the default mod destination as Pitch, as I would find these more conducive to sound sound design rather than starting from a blank slate.

More Clap Machines
One clap machine across the board? Come on guys, give us more crispy claps! :smiley:

Base Width Filter
Because many machines generate a huge amount of low-end which can only be cleaned up by using either using the filter or resampling… Which isn’t the end of the world, but who wouldn’t want a second filter? Even just on the samples, prior to hitting the VCA.

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Page init revert is very very interesting! To load only one page from the last saved. Cool cool

Control all can be kinda done, if very limited, on the perf page. So that i dont really mind. But many people would be all about it. Still function button is taken by snap, and if you got shit encoders u ouldnt be able to snap anotherway.

Snap lfo to tune would create many interference with other functions i imagine.

Lfo settings can be done with a template kit. No?

But for the last 2 i m all in.
A digital base width filter is a big must! (maybe some people would get offended if rytm is not all analog path).
Also a digital hpfilter on the sample would be incredible. Like really steep. Mmmm…

New clap machines is also a must. An anlog one and a digital one, maybe? would be cool to have bit reduction/ sample rate reduction on the waveform.

Something like the SY Chip, but tuned for clappy perc sounds would be tight.

Chip already makes some nice bitty splats.

isn’t it the same as Page+Clear?

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It may well be, must have missed that if so. Will check in a bit, thank you!

Edit: you are 100% right, that is the answer. Will update my post. Very happy. :smiley:


I have an Analog Rytm MKII for over a year now and there are not much things I desire to add especially after 1.7 update. But I’m still missing those features (most of them are pretty common request as I know):

  1. Mixer page the same as in Analog Four.
  2. Second LFO. If it’s hardware lock maybe there are other ways to implement this because usually I don’t use LFO on every track so maybe it can be done by unassigned LFO (maybe also an option to stack them / LFO machine, although I’m not much into sacrificing whole track for it)
  3. Some visualization of compressor work

Other things which I desire less important but it would be cool to have Sample Rate Reduction, exponentional EG, bandpass filter (at least for samples), one more clap machine. I think that’s all.


Elektron have officially stated that a second lfo isn’t possible as the processor is already maxxed out.


when they released 1.70 they said they couldn’t find a way to implement it in 1.70 because of hardware limitations but they will keep looking for a solution.
personally i’d rather like them to find a way to add the repitch and slice machines from the digitakt instead of a 2nd lfo if only either of these is possible.


Maybe they can focus on using the existing lfos on other tracks when not in use…

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