AR 2 new project after load playing previous project sound

I have projects. I load them and hit play after it says its loaded and it still plays the previous projects sounds for about 12 bars then the new sounds for the new project I just loaded starts to play correctly. Anyone else have this issue?


Usually I would not post something pertaining to another machine, but as the same bug happened to me (and someone else) on my A4 MKII, maybe it’s relevant.

Maybe in the last firmware for flagships (AR & A4) something linked to the way projects are saved has been messed up?

A different take: If you’re using samples those take a little longer to load on the AR and can therefore lead to project sounding incorrectly the first few seconds if played right after loading.

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I have the same on the Digitakt, always thought it had something to do with the internal memory being almost full… not sure

This happens on my AR2 as well. Took my a few days to figure out it was a bug and not me accidentally saving over shit. Hopefully they fix it.

One thing I’ve noticed is that it seems like it only happens when I’m connected to overbridge.

thanks. i am not using obridge

When you go in the Project Manager, do you see that the New Project is selected?

Also, I often have to create a New Project twice. When your New Project is created, are you using the Load From (in the sub menu) to load it?

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Happens to me also. I notice it happens when I’m using samples, but not when I’m using the synths. I’m used to letting my analog synths warm up, so I just do the same with the AR.

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I get the same thing and it has always happened since the two years I have had my machine.

i load from the save project button under main volume knob