Anyma Omega Keyboard and Desktop from Aodyo

That’s great to hear !

Congrats! Which contact did you use?

Indiegogo > [my profile] > My Contributions > View details > “Contact” button.

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thxxxxxx :wink:

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Great hearing more about how Aodyo has had such success with the development of the ribbon ( aka " multidimensional tactile ribbon" ) for these two. That it exceeds their expectations has me very pleased, and i am looking forward to seeing more on this as well as the rest of what is new on these projects soon. There will be the nitty gritty detail at Synthfest France no doubt. ( That’s in a month ! ) Expecting that “new product” announcement then too.

ADDED : I notice they are no longer listed as exhibitors at SFF.

They set a very high standard for the Omegas. Glad to hear today of the success.


Was there an update somewhere, or is your comment related to the Loom teaser? (see Crowdfunding — The Good, the Bad & the Ugly - #173 by icaria36)

Anyway, I think it’s brave to announce a new Kickstarter when you have customers waiting for the last one, but I’m happy they are this brave. This Loom thing looks like a subset of the Omega and it can be only good that they continue building this platform they are starting to have.

Also, I want to think that this new crowdfunding campaign combined with the last Omega updates means that they are confident about the Omega distribution and sales start. And I bet they have a Q&A ready saying that all Loom development work is going to benefit Omega users with future updates and vice versa.



We probably won’t be either at Superbooth 2024 nor SynthFest France 2024 as we are quite busy and focussed on the Anyma Omega Development.

Yeah, I noticed after i made my last post that they removed themselves from SFF.

(Tangential. The person replying in that thread gets Suporbooth so wrong, but I’m too lazy to register to another site to respond.) :slight_smile:

They do have their work cut out for them with the Omega development, and so that they are holding their feet to the fire, and staying in the office to work, shows dedication.

By the way, i am thinking we’ll get a complete update on the Omega status, in a few days.


Wondering how much of the Loom functionality comes with the Omega ribbon, and the 3-D touch pad on the Keys ?

I realize this isn’t necessarily all decided.

Any word on this @Hurolura ?

@Jukka Actually, as most of the the hardware is common to the Loom and Omega the ribbon surface will be quite similar (which means all the playing modes of the Loom will be also available on the Omega Desktop or Keyboard).

The main differences will be the extra action zones and side slider and bar which are specific to the Loom.


Thank you !

This is indeed very good news for future Omega owners.

Do a super job with the Loom development, and good luck with that project.

So the Omega Keys is the big ribbon.

Probably as the Omega Keyboard will have a 4 octave Loom ribbon.

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About duplication…

I wonder about the size comparison between the Omega and Loom ribbons (and just the ribbons). The length of the Omega Keyboard’s ribbon is about double of the Loom 2-octaves. But the Loom’s ribbon width seems to be way larger. A bit less than double? It’s hard (for me) to estimate without an image showing them both side by side.

This probably doesn’t matter much for the X and Z gestures in real use for average players like me, but the Y axis… The Loom’s Strum mode is likely to be very different in the Omega if it’s there at all. The Drumkit mode probably needs to be adapted too, or leave it as different drum sounds in different notes and that’s it.

But yeah, probably the Loom will bring a lot of duplication to my setup if I’m enjoying the Omega Keyboard. Still, the Loom looks like a very interesting controller on its own and with that crowdfunding marketing and price I didn’t resist the temptation. In fact, I was quite sold before finishing the fist video. :sweat_smile:

If you want more precice information you could send a request to Aosya.


Yes, I have seen that, but the Loom size corresponds to the whole device, not just the ribbon, and the Omega size only specifies the length, not the width. It’s ok, I can wait. :slight_smile:

It is hard to judge. Did you look at the engineering drawings in this post ?

Hard to know exactly what’s what in the engineering drawing but the capacitive touch surface likely goes almost to the edge of those boards shown. The engineering drawings will be more current to the present working design.

ADDED : Looking back over the old posts, i found this :

And indeed the ribbon functionality got stretch goaled, and so the image we see is the prototype before the ribbon upgrade stretch goal. Doing the ribbon stretch goal brought on the discovery, and hence Loom. Also stretch goaled were things like improved sequencer, breath control, and CV interface, and extra buttons, etc.

So there is your explanation icaria36.

Of course other differences Loom to Omega are with the multicolor LEDs, and the black and white graphic decoration around the edge of the wood touch surface shown with the Loom. Not sure if that has changed. The decoration is slightly less of an issue with the Omega Keys as you have the keyboard as a guide, but the desktop sort of floats in space.

The colored feedback given by the LEDs, might be shown on the color display, i suppose, though that isn’t quite the same.

Both of the Omegas have a “Strum” mode, as described on the Indiegogo page, but how that works exactly has not been shown, in my ( admittedly flawed ) recollection.

I can too. For now the Omega Keys will likely give me everything i want. I can change my mind later.

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Still, I asked. :slight_smile: I also took measurements from pictures from these non-released products, as imperfect as they can be. The ribbons are clearly different. I’d say 29mm for the Omega and 43mm for the Loom, give or take.

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